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Trying to differentiate what's dream from reality, Aecha awoke with a start to a brand new day. Today, she decided to wear a mini skirt that would show off her long legs. Although she hardly wore skirts, she decided it was time for a slight change to appear beautiful in Chanyeol's eyes. But to her dismay, she still looked the same.

A sigh slipped past her lips and Aecha clambered down the stairs in order to join Kris for breakfast. He seemed to enjoy eating her mother's cooking, because he was stuffing his mouth with pancakes. The male lifted his head to glance at Aecha briefly, his mouth still full with pancakes. Still, he dared to open his mouth and talked to her.

"Don't you see a fashion expert here? Give me a call and I'll help you," Kris stated, while munching on his pancakes.

"No, thanks. I can do it on my own."

Aecha didn't feel like joking around today. Of course, she took into consideration that Kris could help, but he was still a guy. It's not the same when you have a girl to talk to and doll you up. Hana would be no help at all since she knew nothing about fashion, so both Aecha and Hana were in the same boat. She envied the fact that Hana was naturally beautiful. Perhaps, she could use the internet. But scrolling through the different pages would take too long. The female also highly doubted that the internet would help her, anyway. 

Kris seemed to catch on to Aecha's sour mood, so he didn't push it any further. On rare occasions, both Aecha and Kris would have a conversation about normal things. The male really liked his group of friends and they'd already made plans to hang out already. If Aecha wanted to, she and Hana could tag along with the males. 

The black haired girl remembered that they made plans to study together later during the day. In addition to that, she was thinking of a way on how to make Chanyeol fit into the picture. Chanyeol was too eager, she thought. They were merely acquaintances and he wanted to form a study group with them. But since he was good at studying, it'd be easier to convince Hana to let him tag along with them. After all, Hana was purely interested in studying. 

Oh, the things you do for the one you like.

Since she woke up quite early to prepare herself, there was plenty of time left to get to school. This resulted in Kris deciding that they would walk. So Aecha walked petulantly beside Kris because she'd already lost the chance to catch the same bus as the person she liked.


With a smile playing on her lips, Aecha met up with Hana in the hallways like they normally would. They've been doing this since middle school. Whilst holding a conversation with the other girl, Aecha managed to casually mention Chanyeol in their conversation.

"Hey, did you notice the guy from yesterday? The one who approached you twice?"

Aecha tried noting Hana's reaction, as she kept her eyes on her.

"Hm, the tall one?" Hana asked nonchalantly, not really minding her friend's sudden question.

"Besides him, how many more guys had approached you yesterday?" Aecha asked, a little surprised.

Hana was always popular with guys, but on the first day of high school she was already approached by more than one male. It was quite a surprise.

"I'm not sure, maybe there was another guy. But don't worry, I threw them off." 

Hana beamed, tilting her head up from her phone to finally gaze at Aecha.

"Yeah yeah, our ice princess."

Aecha nudged Hana's waist with her elbow, teasing the girl.

"Hey, not that again. Ok, what's with him?" 

Now, Hana was curious as to why Aecha mentioned him. Aecha was never one to pay attention to guys, just like Hana.

"His name is Chanyeol. C-H-A-N-Y-E-O-L. Remember his name now?"

Aecha even had to spell out Chanyeol's name to emphasize her point, but she was positive that Hana wouldn't even remember his name.

"Ok, don't exaggerate, Aecha. I'm not that bad at remembering."

"Only when you pay attention," the black haired female shrugged slightly, earning herself a nudge from Hana, and continued, "He's friends with Kris, and from what I know... he's very good in school, especially math and physics."

Aecha made a point to mention these facts to grab Hana's attention.

"Really?" Hana questioned, suddenly interested just like Aecha had expected. That girl was just like an open book, seriously.

Like most of the girls, Hana was quite bad in science, and some help from other people would be pleasant.

Getting the attention she wanted, Aecha continued to speak with a grin, "And he wanted to join our study date this afternoon at my house. Do you want him to join with us?"

Hana frowned, but Aecha could tell she was tempted. The female continued to talk, 

"He said he was sorry if he scared you off yesterday. He just wanted to make friends, but you didn't seem interested so he tried to approach you twice. He didn't have any other intention though. You see, he's even friends with me."

"So he just wants to be friends?" Hana asked just to be sure, well, she'd really like to have a personal tutor. She just didn't like a tail following her around and maybe messing with her head.

"Yes. He is so childish, you'll like him soon. Just give him a go, ok?"

After all that, Aecha managed to successfully persuade Hana into letting Chanyeol join them in their studies. In doing this, Aecha also got what she wanted; which was to spend time with Chanyeol and she couldn't wait for it. 

Mission accomplished for both her and Chanyeol.

Love Story Of An Ugly GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora