And now the story...

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Tokyo, Japan

As you the reader walk down the street on the sidewalk without a care in the world minding your own business when your randomly interrupted by the sound of a engine and to no one's surprise it's one annoying reaper.

Grim: "YAAHOOOO IT FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK ON EARTH" he screams out the window, flying past you with a black blur and the sound of a tuned Dodge Charger with a straight pipe so everyone in a 12 block radius could hear him.

All of a sudden his car comes to a stop then it's reverse lights come on and he backs up to you

Grim: "hey reader need a ride?" He asked you as he leans out the passenger side window waiting for a answer.

Nothing but the cars idle and city sounds can be heard and the sounds of sirens too

Grim: "right you can't speak" he sighs. "Eh oh well hop it we have a school to watch over and hero's to fold" he said as he opens the passenger side door and leans back into the driver seat.

You with no other choice decides to get into his car and buckle up

Grim: "I'm going to put on a playlist to break this uh what's the word uh oh tension yeah I'm smart" he spoke up and pressed a button on the middle console.

And then something unexpected happens...

The stereo starts playing California girls

Grim: "Oh shit uh sorry let me change this" he then starts rapidly changing the song and you can hear a second of Don't stop me now by Queen and other songs then it stops on a band called Sabaton.

Grim: "Ah finally a good song fun fact I played this back when I fought some wars and battles that I obviously won" And finally he starts driving around the streets passing by different stores and buildings.

As you both drive through the streets the sounds of something flying at supersonic speeds comes out of nowhere and you see a blur fly past the car and land ahead of the car

Grim:"Oh goddammit I could have sworn I told him next chapter" he sighs "Well reader I am going to have to fight him and hope Author-sama can write a fight scene" He stops the car and steps out and rolls his neck and shoulders.

???:"I hope your ready Brando cause I fully plan on winning thi-"

Grim:"toki yo tomare" he says then all time comes to a stop. "Dear god I might as well just end the fight before it starts fully" he steps closer to the person then a glowing white and yellow arm guy punches the guy "toki wa ugokidasu" then time resumes and the other guy was launched back 10 feet with a visible indent in his gut and some blood dripping from his mouth.

???:"hehe you sure did get stronger than last time" he says as he wipes blood from his mouth"

Grim:"Wanna hear something funny last time I was holding back the whole time and right now I'm still suppressed" He cracks his knuckles and stretches a little bit.

???:"Yeah and I'm James Bond son of Darth micky mouse" he then stands up straight "If you are holding back then show me your full strength".

Grim:"Fine but don't say I didn't warn you cause I didn't" he then completely disappears from both the readers and ???'s sight "So want to give up now" he is now behind ??? in a menacing stance with his back facing ??? "If not I will happily show more" he says with a smirk.

At this point a large crowd of bystanders are watching the fight along with some heroes like All might and Eraserhead just watching and waiting for them to start actually fighting

???:"Hmph come on Grim let's dance" he says as he starts charging up, gaining a golden aura and screaming for some unknown reason probably just getting stronger the more he yells

Grim:"Uh okay" he says slightly confused but puts his hands into his pocket leaving himself "open" for any attacks.

Will Grim be able to beat this new and unknown threat and come out victorious
Or will this unnamed opponent beat the shit out of Grim
And will I ever get a life
Find out next time on...


A/N: Wow that took me like 2 and a half days and most of it was me trying to get motivated to do it though I hope you guys enjoy this cause I am new to this book shit but I feel like I could try this out for a little but farewell until I get motivated to do the next chapter and remember everyone has a purpose in in life so enjoy it while we can the is The Reaper signing off cya.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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