Jealousy Jealousy

Start from the beginning

Robby: Indoor park?

Eli: I know it sounds crazy but here anything is possible and there it is. Feast your eyes on that.

Miguel: So they have a playground for the kids, a sitting area, a skatepark, A WATERPARK!?

Demetri: Dude the girls are missing out!

Chris: They won't be for long, they'll eventually find their way down here.

Bert: It says we can rent skateboards out if y'all want to go skating. I feel like we are too old for playgrounds and we don't have our swim trunks either.

Eli: First of all, no one is too old for playgrounds and second of all I'm good with whatever.

Robby: I'm going skating, I'll catch y'all on the flip side.

Eli: I'm right behind you, let's go.

Robby went up to the counter to ask for skateboard but there was no one at the desk. There was a bell that said "ring for service" so he did and then a girl came out.

Tori: Ugh what do y'all wa-.

She took one look at Robby and that was all it took to change everything about her demeanor.

Tori: Oh I'm sorry, what I meant to say was how can I help you today?

She twirled her hair on her fingers as she gawked at Robby.

Eli: We would like two skateboards please.

Tori: I wasn't talking to you but okay.

She turned around and grabbed two boards and started to ring up the boys.

Tori: So what's your name?

Robby: Uh taken. 

Tori: Taken? That's an interesting name.

That comment sent Eli into a fit of giggles before walking off laughing some more leaving Robby by himself.

Robby: I was just telling you that I was taken, that's all. Have a nice day.

Robby walks off leaving the girl red in the face with embarrassment and a bit of anger. She wanted to leave her post but she couldn't so she decided to be an admirer from afar.

With The Girls

Tory turned around and saw what she was feeling, two guys staring at her from afar. Her being the person she is she walked straight up to them.

Tory: May I help you?

Caleb: Yes you can hot stuff. What's your name?

Tory: Nunya.

Bobby: Oh she's playing hard to get...okay momma I see where you're going with this. Meet us at the skatepark if you want.

The boys walked away as the girls were walking up to Tory.

Sam: Is everything okay?

Tory: Yeah, just some dumb Americans. Was truly hoping we'd be the only ones here.

Aisha: The chances of that are slim to none.

Devon: Let's go find the boys, they told me they found a pretty dope hangout spot in the mall.

Tory: What about our matching clothes?

Sam: We are still here for awhile, hope isn't lost just yet.

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