library buddies <3

Start from the beginning

i think he gets it.

saiki interruted akechi, who then went to blabber about why toritsuka's new crush doesnt like him.

l/n was being more quiet around here, saiki didn't know if it was because he had scared l/n the day before or because it was crowded.

"guys this is l/n y/n, he is from class 2-4." aiura introduced l/n. the only one who didn't know l/n was toritsuka.

the only person he doesn't know is toritsuka.

"oh ok, then why do you know him?i do know that he and tou-tou exchange books from time to time."

none of your business.


aiura then turned to actually get lunch.

once aiura got back, saiki and l/n were missing.

they were in the library, saiki had offered to teleport them, and ln responded with " sure just don't teleport in my lap again".

l/n giggled and then tuned to reading nce in the library, again offering to give an earbud to saiki, so they ould listen to music. saiki again agreeing.

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saiki again teleported into the library, this time not on l/n's lap but found a passed out l/n. then remembered that l/n hadn't eaten for running away from social interations.

saiki tried to wake u l/n but could't so he did the next best thing he could, teleport him to his house. saiki just exchanged l/n's shoes with his running shoes and teleported to where l/n lived, then left a note saying he brought him home.

but before saiki could teleport, he didn't know that l/m's sleepwalking was this bad. all of a sudden saiki was hugged from behind.


was what the sleepwalking boy said. saiki didn't know what to do, but to put him to back to sleep.



saiki had somehow managed to pick up l/n without waking hime up, but if someone where to barge in they would see saiki holding l/n like a little kid, but it would seem like saiki is l/n's amor.

l/n was a transfer from colombia but didn't actually act colombian because he had spet most of his life traveling to places. and his parents finally settled in japan.

"hey~" a sleepy l/n said "saiki es un chico hermoso"

at this the psychic's powers let him know what l/n was saying.

it was endaring to say the least. once the psychic finally got l/n in his bed, he left with rose tinted cheeks.

after teleporting to his own home, his mother greeted him.

" hi ku-chan, huh why are your cheeks slightly pink, have you gotten sick."

kurumi, thought it was odd and that because he is a psychic thats what him being sik would look like.

its nothing.

for know to say the least. saiki was enamoured by a sleeping person. and said person like his company, and didn't have the slightest idea of this.

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Saiki k x m!reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now