New Freind <3 pt.2

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Y/n POV:
Once Teruhashi left i was able to focus on myself. This class seemed pretty laid back but whatever. It was boring most of the time but thats because half of this was taught to me by my mom, like algebra and finances stuff.

My mom had me live by myself since i was ten because mainly i was a mistake but she called me her beautiful mistake. She doesn't regret giving birth to me but i came all of a sudden, and her boyfreind at the time was an asshole. But also because her job requirements were traveling to places a lot, so from time to time she checks up on me.

We are more like freinds then mother and son. But thats beside the point.

I fell asleep... in class.

Not like the teacher cared.

Finally lunch came the guy with butt chin came to me.

"Hey new buddy wanna have lunch with us?" He asked me, while us was the cute strawberry, the chuunibyou, the nerd and him.

"Nah i have to check up on a project i already have going for art, maybe another time." I said while trying to escape.
"How come aren't you new?"
"I was here yesterday but they wanted me to choose what classes I'd want to have and  and spent the rest of the school day helping around in the art room." I said kinda nervous he wouldn't let me go.
Then i noticed that strawberry left them. I would too if i had the chance.
"Oh alright!" He kinda yelled

I didn't go to the art room, i went to the rooftop. I have an intimidating face but my mom has a soft face we are quite the opposite. And many people were gonna but didn't come up to me. And i thank you because i don't want to have more freinds right know, or the rest of my life.

I went out to the rooftop and foind the strawberry eating lunch there. "Hey can i sit next to you? Im not doing much just sitting and eating" i asked him just incase he didn't want company.

"Aight thanks" i said as i was sitting next to the cute boy with a resting bxtch face. I just notice he had a resting bxtch face. adorable.

I again brought 2 coffee jellies. I silently janded one to the strawberry, whose  name i keep forgetting. It doesn't matter to me. Cute strawberry it is. I started listening to music and began eating the nice meal i cooked for myself earlier this morning. I knew my mom would later come by since one of her next jobs is in town, she would be staying for 3 weeks max. And i have that much time to come out to her.
Life suck sometimes.

Strawberry was in peace until the bell rang which was funny to watch his face become sour at the soubd of the bell.

My second art class was right after lunch and apparently with strawberry. Nedou or butt chin guy wasn't in here same with chuunibyou guy who i also forgot his name. Eh who cares.

I got partnered with strawberry on a sketch project. He tried drawing my face approximately 20 times in the span of 45 min. Surprisingly he still had time for finishing a  sketch. I only sketched a few times to get different angles. He is fun to sketch. Since he lives near me I'll probaly bribe him or something later next week to sketch him.

Once we finished sketching we saved the drawings to make a water color drawing for grading and if you wanted it could go in a school wide competition, for next month.

School was over and i was really tired, so many people crowded the school at the end, so you just waited a bit so it wasn't as crowded.

I walked home with the bunch of idiots who i unwillingly followed since they would leave me alone. Atleast i was with strawberry.

The idiots left and it was me and strawberry."hey is it ok if i invite you over sometime? You're really someone interesting and I'd like to more drawing of you.?"
Yeah why not.
"Thanks uhh saiki right?"

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