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Now the youngest of the haitani brothers, rindou, could only groan in distaste about the situation he was currently in.

Hanma to ran's misery was unable to provide proper information on the person they were looking for. Instead he sent a list of names of people who have spoken about them.

" There isn't much of your mystery person, only rumors that exist in the shadows. It's nearly as if the person your looking for doesn't exist, anyhow, here's a list of people you could check " hanma's spoke, finishing the cup of alcohol in his hand.

Ran could only grin in thanks.

And now they were here, in the cold, dimly lit basement of Bonten's headquarters.

A row of people sat tied down to chairs in front of them, they were all from the list hanma had given them earlier.

The eldest of the two, Ran, could only give a crazed smile when he saw the look his delightful victims had.

Most had blood spilling from their head from the hard hit they had received from Ran's baton prior to arriving to the cold basement and some had broken bones courtesy of Rindou's work.

"Now, let's make a deal alright?" Ran spoke in his sickly sweet voice that caused shivers to run up their spines.

Rindou on the other hand merely let his brother's words fly through his ears, having been used to his brother's tactics when it came to torturing people.

Ran would promise them a seemingly plausible deal that would have both sides winning but as they would draw to a close only he would win resulting in the other one lying dead in a pool of their own blood.

Rindou on the other hand would promise nothing but the sweet release of death after he was done with them, only making it drag out longer the more time it took for them to answer.

"What do you know about the izanami incarnate?" Rindou spoke, cutting his brother off, not wanting to listen to his monologue anymore.

Backs straightened at the name, a deadly silence filling the air at the name.

Raising an eyebrow at the reaction, the younger haitani moved from the wall he was leaning against and went to the woman at  the far end of the row of people they had collected.

She seemed to be around 18-19 and clearly wasn't crying due to the pain, but something else.

Rindou crouched, staring at her with bored eyes, waiting for her sobs to cease.

"Are you done yet?" he asked, rolling his eyes in distaste. "I still need my answers."

She hiccuped before attempting to wipe the tears on her shoulder since her hands were tied.

"The person you look for, s-she exists yet she doesn't. One second she is there the other she isn't. She is a regal being that will only bless you with her time if given a reason to, a-ask whoever you want, whoever knows her and dares to speak her name will say the same," she stuttered out through sobs, closing her mouth not going to say anymore.

Rindou looked up to his brother whose eyes no longer carried the same craze as they did a few moments ago.

It seemed finding the izanami incarnate would prove harder than they thought.

"It seems that one of my little doves is in need of some help," a voice spoke, staring into the night sky, a ruby winged butterfly matching her eyes glistened under the moonlight, whispering a sweet melody.

"Perhaps I'll lend her a helping hand, as thanks for being my eyes."

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