Chapter 1

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I wake up in the morning and realize my curtains are still open. Shoot! I rush to them and yank them together. But it was to late. Jack already saw me.
He was sitting on his stool besides his bedroom window. His blond hair practically glowing in the sunlight. He is wearing a black T-shirt and ripped jeans.
He bends down and looks like he is picking up something. At first my heart rises a little bit thinking it is his old note pad and expo marker.

When we were 11 we both didn't have phones but everyone else did. So, we came up with our own form of communication. We would go to our windows every morning and every night and write words in gigantic letters with expo markers. We would read each other's words and write each other back.
We did this until he ditched me for Alice. Now he just sits on his stool and stares out the window. I honestly don't know why but he just sits there and stares.
I keep staring insistently out the window praying that I was right. When I get a little to over confident in my theory I bend down and get my old note pad and expo marker from the box under my window sill.
I flip to a new page and write "Hi" but when I loom up to show it to him his curtains were closed. My heart sinks
and I slowly crumble to the floor, feeling no emotion. None. Nothing. I
am just sitting there, staring at the wall, the old note pad and expo marker laying on the floor beside me.

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