Chapter 1

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When max opens his front door as usual he was met with the vibrant pink sky that laid over his home town. When olive opened her door she could see the brilliant mix of pinks and purples of the late afternoon. She decided to grab her keys and hopped into her car to go manage her huge business which was famous for its astounding discoveries in science. Max pulled his large overcoat closer to him and started down the road to cross into an alley way where he would enter his domain. He was also known as the king of crime so as he entered his underground HQ people abruptly stood up and bowed as he passed them. Unknown to the world these two younger people worked together in secret. But both loved the other but were held back by others as you were only meant to love your soulmate. The two sat down at theirs desks, oliveat her old elaborate wooden desk but max at his black opal desk with obsidian and gold decorations strewn across the desk. Olive looked at the clock on the wall. It was 6pm. "Damn!" Olive said, "I'm going to be late." Max said nothing as he continued to write something in one of his many books. Olive pulled out her phone and decided to call max about one of the business they co owned that might be discovered by the police, but really it was an excuse to chat. The phone rang but Max didn't look up from his desk but after the forth ring max lent over his paperwork and answered the phone. He was met with the shrill voice of Olive "Max! We need to talk!" Olive yelled down the phone. "We have been waiting for a long time now," Olive continued. "Yes we do have things to discuss" replied Max in his always steady tone. "But not here can you meet me at the park near the building site?" Max asked. Olive nodded and hung up the phone. She grabbed her keys and ran out the door. As she walked down the street she noticed there were so many people outside of their houses just chatting away like it was any other day, and why shouldn't they? This was normality for them. But it wasn't normal for her. Olive had a secret that no one knew about, except for her and max. A secret that she hid deep inside her heart. After living in this small town since she was born this was the first time that she would ever be able to speak freely to someone. And this was why she felt so relieved when she stepped into the park. Here, she could finally tell max everything that had happened to her. It was hard to find words to describe what she had been through. She had been through so much with her abusive dad with his drinking problems but Max understood. He once told her that everyone has something. Everyone has a past. He was right, she thought to herself.

Olive arrived at the park and saw max sitting under an oak tree. He appeared to be reading the paper but she could see his eyes darting between the pages. He was clearly too focused to know that she was standing right in front of him. Olive began to walk towards him before she stopped dead in her tracks. She couldn't believe how handsome he looked! He was wearing black jeans and a white shirt with a brown leather jacket that covered his muscular body. She was dressed in herusual black floaty dress and a waistcoat. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail with some little yellow flowers woven through it. She noticed that max's gaze was fixed on the ground and not his book.

She cleared her throat and said "Hey Max!" Max lifted his head and slowly turned around. His eyes widened as he saw her face. There were tears rolling down her cheeks and she was shaking. He rushed over and wrapped his arms around her. Olive cried into his chest and he stroked her hair. "You okay?" he asked gently. Olive took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. "I...I've never been more scared in my life!" she said through her sniffles. Max kissed her forehead and held her tight. He then led her to sit down under the oak tree and sat beside her. "What's wrong?" he asked again. Olive took another deep breath and began to tell him what happened with the business they had set up today that had been found by the police. As she spoke she could feel her emotions bubbling up inside of her, threatening to burst out. She could see that Max was trying to control his own emotions but she knew she mustn't show weakness in front of him. But they were both human and neither one of them could hold on to their emotions forever. "The police came..." Olive paused for a moment and tried to compose herself but it didn't work. She sobbed loudly into her hands. Max put his hand on her shoulder and rubbed it gently. Olive could see that his face was grimacing with pain. She wondered what he had done to make his face look like that? Was he in trouble? She sniffed again and continued talking. "They were looking for us!" she cried out. Max placed his hand on her cheek and tilted her head up so that she was facing him. "Why?" he asked, but Olive could see the anger in his eyes. He gripped her shoulders tightly and shook her. "Olive!" he exclaimed. "It's not my fault!" she wailed. "Tell me you didn't hide anything!" Max shouted. Olive shook her head violently. "No! No I didn't! Not ever!" she replied. Max sighed and relaxed his grip but he still hadn't let go of her. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "I will never forgive myself if you're hurt" he said softly. Olive felt her eyes well up. She was worried about herself but what she cared most about was max. He had been so kind to her and for that she would always thank him. Olive sniffed again and stood up. Max stood up too and they stared at each other for a couple of seconds. Then Olive embraced him. "Thank you," she whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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