Chapter Eleven

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Ronal carefully moved Neteyam's hair from his, tears escaping her eyes.
Mo'at turned to Norm, both quiet.

"What do I tell them?"
Norm asked, staring at the Neteyam. He carefully slipped on his mask, his voice thick with emotion.

"That he's alive. He should tell them." Ronal whispered, giving them a sad smile as they left to update the others.

Ronal gasped as Neteyam opened his eyes, his hand wrapping around her arm.
Neteyam turned to Ronal, his face blank as he saw her expression.
"I lost it, didn't I?"

Ronal nodded, quickly bringing Neteyam into a hug.
She didn't care that his tears dripped onto her arm, how hard he was squeezing her.

"I didn't even feel connected to it, why does it hurt so much.."

Ronal lifted her head up, words failing her.
She cleared her throat, rubbing a hand up and down his back.
"What do you need?"

"My brother.."


Lo'ak carefully sat beside Neteyam, his eyes scanning his body.
He looked well, but drained.
Neteyam took Lo'ak's hand, gripping it hard.
"Neteyam, you have to tell me what's going on."

Neteyam turned away from his brother, wiping his eyes.
"I found out, a little bit ago that uh..I was pregnant."

Lo'ak closed his eyes, his ears turning down at Neteyam's tone.

"I feel like the life has been sucked out of me. Nothing makes sense anymore. I denied it for weeks, not knowing how to accept it. And now..there's nothing left to accept."

Lo'ak frowned as Neteyam leaned into his chest, carefully wrapping his arms around him as he silently cried.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Neteyam broke.

He covered his mouth as he cried louder, not doubting everyone outside could hear him.


Aonung paced as Mo'at and Ronal talked quietly.

He was alive, but hurt. He was 'okay', but crying.
Aonung didn't understand anything. No one would tell him what was going on.

Lo'ak opened the door, shooting a sad look to Aonung.
Aonung walked over, looking down to the younger brother.
"He needs you, man."

Aonung didn't waste a second. He quickly stepped inside, being stopped by Lo'ak's hand. Talking in a whisper.
"You will be angry, but control it. He is in pain, take your anger elsewhere."

Aonung was confused, but nodded. Watching Lo'ak close the door.

He walked into the room, seeing Neteyam sitting up. His ears and tail low, silent.
He stood Infront of Neteyam, kneeling down and setting a hand on Neteyam's leg.
"What is it?"

Neteyam looked up to him, licking his lips as he spoke.
"The stab wound...uhm, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

Aonung took Neteyam's hands, squeezing them.
"Neteyam, it's okay. Just, tell me."

"I was pregnant, Aonung. The stab wound, the baby didn't make it."

Aonung froze.

Lo'ak was right. He was angry. From the look on Neteyam's face it wasn't just pain, it was regret.
Aonung knew, then, this is what he had been hiding.

He let out a shaky breath, standing and bringing Neteyam into a hug.
No words were spoken, it was only a hug meant to calm him. To comfort his mate.

He could be angry later, they could talk another day. But today, was not a day for arguments. It was a day to grieve.

For the child they lost.


Short chapter, but the next ones are hectic. So..

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