Chapter 1 ~ Minako

Start from the beginning


Sure enough, the first guy who got my items was the right person. I got a call from the principal saying my items are in the room. But of course, I only gave the clothes that weren't my style. Now I have two rolling bags and two beach bags with me. The rolling bags held my sweats, jeans, leggings, shorts, pajamas, undergarments and skirts in one with the other one holding my sweaters, jackets, coats, blouses, shirts, singlets and thermals. While in the beach bags were my chargers, laptop, phone, hair ties, brush, socks, and shoes. With all my thinking aside, I'm suddenly in front of a building. "Iwatodai Dorm," the sign says. I walk in to see a big dark room. Taking off my headphones, a voice comes from my left side. "Welcome..." a boy with black hair and bright blue eyes walks up to me. "You're late, I have been waiting a long time for you." He places a sheet of paper with a pen on a nearby counter. "If you want to proceed, then please sign here. It's a contract. There is no need to be scared, it only binds you to accept full responsibility for your actions."

I looked over the contract, 'I chooseth this fate of my own free will.' Strange contract since that's all that says. It does say 'Property Of Kirijo Group' so, why the hell not? Taking the pen, I signed my name on a blank part underneath the text. The last name, first name, normal for writing someone's name. 'Arisato Minako'. Simple name but the meaning is better. Minako means beautiful, guessing that my parents wanted me to be beautiful. Psh, not really. I bet I was only called that because my parents were only expecting my brother, Minato. They most likely only went with the female version of it. "...Very well. Time is something no one can escape. It delivers us all to the same end. Wishing won't make it go away. And so it begins..." The young boy took the contract and slipped away into the darkness. "Who's there?!?" A voice fills the room, it caught me by surprise as I turned towards the voice. A girl with short brown hair and a pink sweater is at the base of the stairs. "How could you be...But it's...!" She started before going to reach for a holster that was hidden under her skirt. "Don't tell me..." She sighs inwardly as she pulls a gun from her holster. I ready myself to dodge as she places the tip to her forehead. What the? Who does that?! "Wait!" A feminine, softer, more mature voice comes from the top of the staircase. The lights turn on, everything is back to normal. Guess an hour has passed. "I didn't think you'd arrive so late. I am Mitsuru Kirijo. I am one of the students in this dorm" Mitsuru walks up to me along with the girl with the gun. Kirijo? As in Kirijo Group? She must be my senpai. "Who's she?" The first girl puts her gun back in her holster.

"She's a transfer student. It was a last minute decision to assign her here. She'll eventually be moved into a room in the normal dorm." She hands me a note with all my details. "Is it okay for her to be here?" The first girl hovers her hand over her mouth in shock. "I guess we'll see... This is Yukari Takeba. She'll be a junior this spring, just like you." Mitsuru gestures to the first girl. "...Hi, I'm Yukari..." Yukari shies away, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. "Two quick questions. One, isn't this a normal dorm?" I ask as Mitsuru coughs. "Um..." Yukari looks over at Mitsuru, "Not really, this is a co-ed dorm." She answers calmly. "OK, two, why do you have a gun?" Pointing at Yukari as she freezes up. "Huh? Um, well, it's sorta like a hobby... Well not a hobby, but..." She lies so badly that it made me facepalm and sigh. "You know how it is these days... It's for self-defense. It's not a real gun, of course," Mitsuru assures as I nod in agreement. 'Self-defense' my ass. "It's getting late, you'll find your room on the 3rd floor. Your things should already be there. I guess you should tuck in for the night" Mitsuru creepily says as I walk upstairs. "Let me show you!" Yukari walks alongside me. "I don't care as long as you won't pull a real gun on me..." I say with little to no expression as I see her shiver. I don't blame her for doing so because I could even feel the icy tone in my voice. 

We make it to the third floor in silence until Yukari breaks it. "Just down this hallway, the last door on the right. Easy to remember huh, since it's right at the end of the hall. So, any questions?" "I signed this contract..." I started but her confused face made me stop. "Huh? What's this about a contract?" She doesn't seem to know what I'm talking about. Oh shit, I signed up for a cult. "Um, can I ask you something?" she asks as I nod, "On your way from the station, was everything okay?" Oh, I don't know, the moon was as green as ever and coffins were everywhere. Yeah, I shouldn't tell her that. "Yup!" I smiled at her as she started to contemplate. "I see... Never mind, then. Well, I'd better get going... Um... I'm sure that you still have other questions, but let's save them for later, okay? Good night." She walked away as I stared at the door for a good while. Damn, that's a big door. The key was hanging from a small hook so I took it and unlocked the door. My stuff was in a decent sized room with a desk, dresser, and a single bed. Guess this is my room. I'll place everything where they're supposed to be sooner or later. I'm way too tired and I just missed an extra hour of sleep. Slowly, I stumbled my way to my bed and collapsed on the bed, immediately falling asleep.

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