Is This a Test?

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S Woke up quite a bit later and yawned and stretched. He then looked around the room he was in and frowned. Why hadn't they put him in a cage?

S stood up slowly and then hopped off the comfort thing and onto the floor. He then walked around the room and looked at everything. The room really was weird. The floor was soft and the walls weren't shiny and neither was the ceiling.

S then went to the door and hopped up and grabbed the knob which opened the door and he was shocked. The scientists had left the door unlocked? Why? Was this another test? 

S looked around the hallway that he was now in and then a voice came from nowhere.

"I do hope that this isn't an escape attempt." The voice said simply and in a robotic female tone.

S blinked in confusion. This was a test. right? 

S then heard approaching footsteps and suddenly Tony 2 was in the hallway approaching him.

Maybe. Maybe he had messed up.

S hugged himself and looked down as he awaited punishment for breaking the rules.

Tony 2 paused once he was close to him and spoke.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Why did you leave the room?" Tony 2 asked curiously.

S blinked. The scientists always hurt him when he broke the rules. Why would now be any different?

"Are you hungry or thirsty?" Tony 2 suddenly asked.

S nodded. He didn't know how else to respond to Tony 2. 

Tony 2 then turned and walked off a bit before looking back at S imploringly and so S followed him. Tony 2 then lead him to a room and walked up to a counter where he grabbed a bag and poured the contents into a bowl. S watched him curiously as he did and then the bowl was brought to him.

"Here. It's food." Tony 2 told him.

S stared at the content that was inside of the bowl in confusion. This was not his regular food. His normal food was pellets. This on the other hand looked like squiggles and tiny blocks.

"Do.. you not normally eat this stuff? Bruce said it was good for you." Tony 2 half asked half told him.

Well. If the scientist said it was good for him then it probably was. S nervously took a bite of the strange food and it tasted strangely good. S then devoured all of the food in the bowl and looked at Tony 2 for more.

Tony 2 chuckled and went to a big box and took out a bottle and then handed the bottle to S. S couldn't help but pout for a moment before drinking the water inside. The water wasn't as good as the food.

S then handed back the empty bottle to Tony 2 who took it and tossed it into a nearby bin.

"Okay. Now to figure out what to do with you." Tony 2 said while staring at S.

S knew what that meant. More experiments. 

S released a quiet huff. He had honestly been hoping for more good treatment despite not understanding what he had done to deserve it.

"Well I guess we could start there." Tony 2 mused to himself.

Which was when a new person walked in. 

"Hey Tony, wait, why is that thing still here? Shouldn't it be with Shield?" The new person said in confusion.

"Hey Steve. I'll call Shield later. The hedgehog isn't dangerous." Tony 2 said matter of factly.

"That thing is a hedgehog!?" Steve said in shock.

Tony 2 nodded.

"Yeah. Bruce says that it was mutated by all the experiments done to it. It doesn't have any human or alien stuff in it though. It's just a hedgehog, a really weird hedgehog." Tony 2 said simply.

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