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I smiled at ending of the movie and turned to my side to look at Noah, who was .. crying?

Jamie was nowhere to be seen, but apparently he was behind me and Noah and was happily watching over us, we didn't know, so we didn't bother him, which he was super happy about.

I turned to Miguel and saw him staring at me, his brown eyes glimmering in the dim lights of the theater and slight white glow from the credits, which were now rolling across the screen.

he turned his head to face the screen as I did also. he points at the names rolling across the screen and points to his co-workers who had worked on set with him.

As Miguel is introducing me to Brady, Noah taps me on my shoulder. I turn to face him with a concerned face and furrowed brows.

He points to Ethan and comes closer to me to whisper something in my ear.

"isn't that Mayas dad..?" He says as he looks toward Ethan again. Ethan looks over at us and waves. He smiles a goofy grin and turns back to talk to Tristan.

"I mean.. I'd guess so, both their last names are Hawke. You can also see a pretty strong resemblance in the two" I say as a turn back to Noah and shrug.

He shrugs also and goes over to talk to Mason. The dark theater seems to grow darker and fill up with people who are ready to watch the second showing.

The group eventually takes the party to the lobby and starts to talk there. I look around the lobby as I realize that everyone is talking to someone and I'm just sorta .. there?

A familiar bush of blonde waves is ordering popcorn.

I could recognize his haircut anywhere.

I quickly look around panicking before running towards the women's restroom. I rush into one of the bigger stalls and lean up against the wall.

My breathing starts to speed up to the point where I can't control it anymore. I let out silent sobs as my mascara runs down my face. I don't even care if anywhere hears me anymore.



"C'mere, my little sun. I know your in love with me"  Adam said as he twirled his finger around my hair. He sloppily kissed me as he tried taking off my shirt.

I cry out loudly and try to hold down my shirt. It was a green hoodie. I had worn it since it was cold inside my house. not for someone to try and take off of me.

I hear a loud slam from downstairs, surprisingly, Adam didn't. He bit my collarbones and ran his hands around my back.

I cried over and over. I hear keys jingling at my door and it suddenly bursted open.

My sobs stopped as my mother walked it. She had a can of pepper spray and she snuck up behind Adam as he continued to bite my neck.

He noticed me being quiet and looked up behind me. My mom instantly sprayed the spray and he stumbled out my window, that he had busted into.

My mom sat beside me. She rubbed my head and gave me a comforting hug. She cried  a bit with me, knowing it was horrible for her 14 year old daughter to go through that.

She took me to her room and started the bathtub, she lit some candles and gave me some ice cream as I sat in the bathtub and told her how I felt about everything.

She promised me she would never let another man touch me. And she never did.

~~~ please reach out for help if anything has happened to you, my dms are open💗💗

I cry just a bit louder as I relive the memory all over again, the scar on my neck being from where Adam had bit me so deep.

I hear the door to the bathroom open and I hear heels clicking to my stall. The person knocks on the door.

"Y/N? Are you in there? It's me, Madeline! Everyone is worried about you" I hear Madeline say. I quickly try and wipe my tears and steady my breathing and voice.

"U-u-u-uh yeah. I'm okay. Just overwhelmed a bit" I stutter out. I mentally face palm and get up to grab some toilet paper to wipe my eyes. Black eyeliner and mascara stained the towel.

"Can I come in? Please? Something is wrong" Madeline says as she try's to unlock the door. I walk over to it slowly and unlock it.

She immediately sees my stained face and hugs me, not a weird hug, like one my mom would give me, a comforting one.

"I won't ask what happened, how about I help clean you up? I have some extra makeup in my bag. I think Becca might also.." Madeline says as she walks me over to the sink.

I smile and thank her as Becca walks in with her purse. She pulls out mascara and applies it on my lashes, while Madeline brushes my hair.

I give them both hugs and thank them once again. The both walk out of the bathroom with me. I see Miguel and he immediately rushes over to hug me.

He runs into my arms and I get a big wiff of cologne. I smile and hug him back. As he is hugging me he whispers in my ear..

"It's okay, amor de mi vida, im here, cálmate, sólo respira"  i smile and dig my face into his hair.

"te quiero, guapo"  i say as I hear him chuckle before pulling away from the hug.

I hug him goodbye once again and hug the rest of the cast. I hop in the car with Noah and Jamie. The ride is silent until Jamie speaks up.

"I'm proud of you, Y/N. Noah had told me what happened, and you handled it really good. I'm very proud and I want you to know that it's okay to let out your emotions sometimes, I'm proud of you doing that also, instead of bottling it all in" Jamie says as he turns down the street to the local Dairy Queen.

"Mhm; I agree with Jamie" Noah says as he pats my shoulder. I smile at Noah.

"Thank you guys, I really needed that" I say as I check my phone, since a notification startled me.

Miguel💫:  Hey, wanna come to my apartment tomorrow? My mom might be out shopping, but even if she isn't I'd love for you to meet her

y/n🦢: yeah! how about we meet at 12? just send me the location and room number, guapo😽

Miguel💫:Alright, princesa mía. We can have a sleepover! Have you seen the stars tonight, also? They are very beautiful.

y/n🦢: I haven't, I'll look at them once I get back home !! :) anyways, I'm getting ice cream with Jamie and Noah. so I'll talk later! sweet dream mí príncipe !!

Miguel💫: 🤍

I lean my head back, smiling and blushing at Miguel's stupid flirty texts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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