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Quotes will be typed like this

-gayyyyyyyy- Unknown

Yes. Yes. There's going to be smut, maybe just mentions of it and not ACTUAAL smut but there might be actual smut. I'll give a warning if there would be actual smut, I swear.

Anyways, let's start with the story.

-Yo!!- Evan

-What is it now? You been aggravating me like all week, I'm starting to be concerned at this point.- Alec said with a tired, disappointed look. (Can't blame em LMAOOOOO, shut up.)

Evan wraps his arms around Alec's waist,
-Aleccc, I am lonelyy, and I know you are too.- Evan somehow got closer to Alec. (literally as close as possible. Like, imagine a apple and a worm, those books yes. That is what they are like right now. Don't BE DIRTY MINDED, yet.)

Alec heated up and failed miserably trying to hide it. Evan saw and laughed at Alec for the fact he can blush this easily. Evan's laughter made Alec get mad but butterflies swarming around his heart. (IM TRYING TO BE CREATIVE, OK? ONLY BASIC PEOPLE SAY BUTTERFLIES IN THEIR STOMACH. Eyes turn red..)

-Ugh, let go Evan!- Alec said, groaning while trying to get Evan off. Alec was only actually focused on why Evan is being so clingy this week. Alec wonders if something happened to Evan or WITH Evan.

-Nope, we barley hang out so we should!- Evan spat out.

Alec got shocked by Evan yelling for a second but then turned to Evan and hugged him.
Evan was honestly confused, not really expecting Alec to hug him. Evan almost started crying since he hadn't got a hug for years. (IM SORRY BUT I NEED SOME EVAN ANGST, HELLOOO?) Evan hid his tears.

-Hah- Is all Evan could really respond with.

-Serious talk, Evan.- Alec spoke up after a few seconds of silence and hugging.

Alec's grip tighten around Evan. Evan being the funny but freaky person he is, purposely moaned quietly. The thing is.. That was in Alec's ear since they are still hugging close.

Alec quickly let go of Evan, he didn't know what to say after that. Alec was just massively red at this point, he was standing there frozen with a shocked look.

Alec's thoughts right now:
Gawd damn.
F me.
Gonna pee my pants.
No that's embarrassing.
If I kiss him after that, how would he act?
Nope, noooope!
I literally feel a bone-

Oh no bro..

Im gay!

No longer POVs!!:

-Aleccc- Evan said between laughter.

Alec looked pissed off, and he was to be honest.

-Evan.- Alec glared at back in response.

Evan looked scared in a funny way though. Evan began running while Alec started chasing after him.

(Time skip to the next day)

-- DO IT PLEASE- Evan was begging Alec to do the splits, it was very random indeed especially when it was morning..

-NO! THATS WEIRD AND I LIKE JUST GOT UP?- Alec said in a dark tone to scare Evan away BUT Evan didn't get scared at all, well maybe a littlee.

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