The first meeting

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Hunter became a private scout for the emperor at 5. It was to train him for the golden guard position even though being the golden guard was more important and harder. He was mostly lonely with no one to speak too except his private professor, his trainer, and his uncle. Even then he barely had anyone. He actually did have 2 coven heads that bothered to say hi every once and a while. Darius Deamonne head of the abomination coven and Eberwolf (???) head of the beast coven. They had been around since he was 2, right before one of the scouts that cared for him passed away. Belos says that they died of natural causes but they had always been healthy...he also remembers hearing painful screams the day they went missing...Ahem.

Anyways. Back to the fact that he was very lonely. He couldn't be sad about it though. Belos said big boys don't get sad and control their emotions. He just had to continue life. Like always he woke up at 6:00 with 4 hours of sleep and got ready. (Just a random detail. Private scouts have special masks👍🏽Oh and Hunter also has his own private scout) Every morning he has to meet Belos in the throne room to get orders so he went. He was allowed to let himself in so he did but no one was there. "Emperor?" It was completely empty. Belos was always there, ready to give commands.

Hunter decided to sit down next to the throne and wait. Suddenly, he hears giggling. It made him jump and turn quickly. The giggling got closer which freaked him out even more. He didn't have any weapons on him so he decided to just head for the door and leave to tell someone. Before he could a huge shadow cast under him. A huge grin appeared and eyes glowed. "Hi there! You look like fun, wanna play?" The voice was oddly child like but Hunter didn't care. He freaked out and ran backwards "W-What are you?!" Even though we wanted to run out and seek help, Belos told him he always has to be brave no matter what!

"Huh, Phillip never told you about me? That hurts" Who was Phillip?! Hunter didn't notice it but he still stayed and shook his head quickly. He was terrified. "Oh well, that doesn't mean we can't have fun! I heard you like hide and seek! Wanna play?"  He was actually considering it. Wait..he can't play with some!....child shadow! Without even answering the questions he went for the door. Right when he was about to open it the shadow put himself in front of him "Wait! Don't go! It-It's so lonely and quiet! I won't hurt you!" This shadow thing was also lonely just like Hunter. "u-um...d-do you promise?" Quickly, the child shadow nodded. "Pinky promise!" Hunter calmed down a bit and backed away from the door.

"Okay...just until my unc-Emperor Belos comes" A huge grin appeared on the shadow "Oh this is gonna be so fun! So what games do you play?" Hunter took off his mask and sat down in front of the wall where the shadow was. "I don't really play any gam-" The door began opening as the shadow disappeared and Hunter stood. It was Darius? Why was he in here? "Mr. Deamonne, what are you doing here?" "I'm going to be taking you to your training and study lesson. The emperor is busy with....personal stuff" The man put out his hand waiting for the young one to take it. Hunter looked back but the shadow wasn't there.

"Come on now I don't have all day" "Sorry" Hunter took his hand and they walked out of the throne room. While they were leaving Hunter looked back and saw the shadow wave sadly but also a little mad? Hopefully the shadow wasn't mad with him. He wasn't gonna tell anyone about the child like shadow, just in case they get mad. It also felt unnecessary to bring it up. Hunter actually wanted to know about what his uncle was doing now. "Um- Do you know what the emperor is doing?" "It's personal things. It's not my place to say anything"

They arrived to Hunter's lessons. Darius fixed Hunter's mask and hood then opened the door. "Whatever you do. Do not. And I mean Do.not. set another fire" It was two times and he still brings it up. Hunter nodded and went inside. It went on for about 1 hour, now he had to go to his training lesson. He did need to be taken there by Darius since he had horrible memory and he was still too young to take himself. Honestly it bothered Darius that Hunter was so young and already had a coven sigil. He was also doing dangerous training at only 5 years old, but at the end of the day theres nothing he can do about it.

"Before you go out, did you drink your potion for you fainting spells?" uh oh. He forgot to drink it. I don't think I mentioned that Hunter has this thing where he just passes out unless he drinks a certain potion. He's definitely gonna pass out during training. Hunter stayed silent and just looked down. "You didn't drink it didn't you." He shook his head slowly. Long story short Darius went to get the potion, Hunter had to start training late, Belos got mad, he got a new burn mark, he went to sleep at 3AM and woke up at 6AM again.

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