three of us.

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No ones POV
Three rooms rested inside a hallway, one with a red door and a large silver H emblem on the front of it, the other, green with a wooden R near the top and the last one was yellow with little crayon drawings plastered over it and a big red D drawn in crayon at the top.

Harry rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times he then stepped down from his bed. The "carpet" felt soft and comforting. he walked out of his bedroom and stepped into the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. Not too long after him Robin and Doi woke up and were seated in the kitchen waiting for Harry, Robin was reading his newspaper and Doi was scribbling on some paper with a pack of crayons. Doi turned to grab a green crayon but frowned after noticing that all the green crayons had been taken out of the box. His smile came back when he remembered that he had a special green marker under his bed. As he went to get it Harry came into the room.

Harrys POV
As I walked into the room I saw Doi run off somewhere, where he was sitting was a drawing of me and a box of crayons knocked over on the table. I smiled under my string. "Morning sleepyhead" Robin said without looking up from his newspaper.
"Well I'll have you know that I was actually awake before you, I was just in the bathroom, I leaned down to his height and crossed my arms. Robin put down his newspaper and looked me dead in the eyes as if he was trying to intimidate me "Whatever Doi and I were out here before you" I sighed, there was no arguing with that. I walked over to the cupboard and started getting out plates, Doi then walked into the room with a marker in his hand and sat down in his spot. "What's for breakfast dad?" Doi looked at me, his head tilted slightly to the side. "Whatever you and Robin want, kid." I responded while getting out some cups. "Hmm.. Spaghetti!!" Doi stuck his arms up in the air and cheered. "Doi. We had spaghetti yesterday. You can't just eat spaghetti every single day." Robin crossed his arms and glared at him. "How about pancakes? " I suggested, I knew Doi loved pancakes and Robin ate them all the time so it was perfect for them.
Robin took a minute to think, "well I guess so. Just don't give Doi too much maple syrup. " "Yay!! pancakes!! " Doi flapped his hands around happily then stopped abruptly and looked down with his hands in his lap. "Oh.. I forgot. I'm not supposed to do that. " Doi looked a little sad and before I could say anything Robin spoke up
"Hey..Kid. It's alright we're not gonna get mad at you like.. Him" Doi turned to him and hugged him tightly. "THANK YOUUU!! " "alright alright enough with the hugs, you're gonna kill me!. " Robin pushed him off jokingly "hehe sorru!" Doi giggled.
"Look at you guys getting along! " I smiled under my yarn looking at them.
"Pipe down and make the pancakes! "
Robin crossed his arms and turned away from me.

Dois POV
I squeezed the rest of the maple syrup onto my pancakes and carefully placed the empty bottle into the bin. My smile dropped after I realised I had syrup all over my hands, I hate when this happens. It makes me feel gross and uncomfortable. I jumped down from my chair and walked over to the kitchen sink to wash my hands and behind me I heard Robin and Harry begin to talk with each other.

Robins POV
I looked up from my newspaper. This crossword puzzle was literally impossible!! "Harry, can you help me with this puzzle? " I felt ashamed asking him but he didn't seem to be bothered. Harry looked over to me and nodded before walking over to me and grabbing my pen. "Hmm the opposite of down.. 2 words? " Harry spoke in his usual monotone voice except it had a hint of confusion. There was awkward silence for a moment as Harry thought. He then wrote something on the paper. He moved his arm and I read what the paper said. "Up." I read aloud. My face immediately turned bright red in embarrassment. "Up! Of course!! How didn't I think of that?! " Harry laughed and patted my back "Ah don't worry about it. " I'd hate to admit it but it kind of made me feel better. Just then Doi turned around, shook his hands dry and sat down. Harry decided now was the best time to start up another conversation.

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