Chapter Seventeen - The First Time

Start from the beginning

"Under normal circumstances, the guests sleep in the east wing, the family in the west. But these circumstances are hardly normal. I've instructed the footman to put your belongings in the bedchamber next to mine. I want you near, Josephine, so I can assure your safety. I'll not take advantage."

The last was said quietly, almost with a measure of regret echoing through it. She couldn't deny that she felt a bit of disappointment.

"Well, it's not as though I haven't spent the night in your bed," she said.

He lost his footing, and suddenly she was reaching for him to help him keep his balance. When he was again standing tall, he said, "You play a very dangerous game, Lady Josephine Langford."

Too late she'd come to realize that fact. But she'd not retreat now. She'd do whatever was necessary to achieve her end.

"Don't you think I should have a false name while I'm here?"

"Did you have something in mind?"

They'd reached the steps and were climbing toward the door.

"What was your name when you were a lad? Before the Earl of Claybourne discovered you?" she asked.

"Locke. Hero Locke. I was very skilled at picking locks. Most of us were orphans and didn't know our real names anyway. But even for those who did, Feagan always insisted on changing their names. When they came to him, they started life anew. So what would you like your name to be?"

Now that it was upon her, she couldn't think of anything. "I have no skills. What would you suggest?"

"Hart. Because it is your generous heart that has brought us this adventure."

He opened the door.

"Is that how you see it?" she asked. "As an adventure?"

"For now."

She walked into the foyer. The wooden floor gleamed. Busts and statuettes decorated tables. Paintings hung on the walls. No butler stood at attention.

"I've told the remaining servants to remain scarce unless called for."

"Oh. You might have said so instead of playing along with my desire for a false name."

He smiled warmly. "You never know when you might need a false name."

"I think you're mocking me."

He grew serious. "I would never mock you, Josephine."

"Aren't you the least bit concerned about what awaits us with Avendale?"

"We have a while yet. No need to fret until it's time to fret. Let me show you to your room."

It was exactly as he'd told her—right next to his. She knew because the door separating their rooms was open and she could see the footman putting away Hero's things. She wondered if he had put hers away as well.

"I assume you left no women servants behind," Josephine said.

"No. The fairer sex is called the fairer sex for a reason." He held up a finger. "I know you're an exception. If you need assistance undressing"— he cleared his throat—"I'll do what I can."

"I should be fine. I was already abed when Amelia's maid came to fetch me." She held out her arms. "As you can see I dressed as simply as possible in order to dress as quickly as possible."

"If you'd like to bathe, I'll have the footman bring up warm water."

"I would like that," she said, "before bed. Right now, I must confess that I'm rather famished."

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