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to put it plainly, the upper east side of manhattan- the place andre called home for his whole life - a cesspool of cheating, nepotism, and copious amounts of underage drinking and drug usage. all made worse and even more toxic by sneaky, jealous, backstabbers with the newest phones and 4k cameras who are always beyond ready to sensationalize every wrong move you make, putting you in a less desirable position for their own gain.

and with the manhattan performing arts high school projecting the most of it;

[sofaygo] mpashaderoom tagged you in a post.

mpashaderoom: good morning followers, mpashaderoom here: your one and only source for the truth behind the scandalous lives, the secrets, and wrongdoings of new york's elite- or at least their children. it's been a minute since my last post, did you miss me?

for the people that have been here, you all may be wondering, why am i back? i'll be enlightened to tell you. there's been piles of secrets itching to be seen by the public!

what have i been doing this summer? well thanks for asking. i spent my summer soaking up the sun in the hamptons and now, after my break, i am refreshed and rejuvenated and beyond ready for another year of endless, juicy gossip.

and of course, we'll be right here here to break the news to you all as it does.

watch this space,

SWGSKOOL | MULTIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora