''I love you too,my darling. ''

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Regina was freezing. Ocean is way to cold and she's shaking and all she wants is Robin safe embrace,his strong arms to keep her warm but she has to shake that thought out of her head,because now,she left him. She says how life goes on,with him or without him. The moment she got out from the ocean she saw two women on the shore. She tried to avoid them but she didn't succeed. She got out from the water when she heard one of the women yelling ''Uhm...hello are you alright?!'' Regina rolled her eyes. She really didn't want to speak with anyone,she didn't want to see anyone. She only wanted to find a peaceful cottage where she could leave the rest of her life in. ''Are you hurt?'' woman asked again as she was approaching,and this time Regina answered her a bit annoyed ''I'm fine.'' as she just walked by woman with horns. Then the other woman said ''Leave her,darling,she sure isn't a talkative person...'' she had a British accent,which reminds Regina so much of Robin. His words,one in particular love. Ugh,will he follow her everywhere she goes? Regina turned around and asked them confusingly ''Actually...do you know where can I find Rumpelstiltskin?'' women looked at each other with terrified faces and one of them asked ''why?'' Regina rolled her eyes and answered with higher voice,she wasn't in a mood for explanations ''None of you businesses. Answer me.'' woman with accent answered ''He's not here. He's in a land named Oz.'' Regina smile falsely and said weakly ''great...do you know when he's coming back?'' both of women negatively nodded their heads and when Regina was about to leave them woman with horns said ''I'm Maleficent by the way.'' Regina turned around with amazed look and asked her ''You are a woman dragon?'' Maleficent smiled and said through smile ''yeah I am...and this is Cruella.'' Cruella smiled and said ''And apparently you are a runway bride,is that correct?'' Regina nodded and they could see how she didn't want to talk about what happened to her,why is she a runaway and those things,so Maleficent said in friendly tone ''It's alright. Everyone has right on secrets.'' Regina was astonished by these women behavior. They where here to help her,but they didn't ask her any questions they even didn't try to make her feel better and that's what Regina wanted. She didn't want to act like she's okay when she's not. For God's sake she left her love. ''Thank you.'' was all she said when Cruella smiled and hugged her as they were walking now ''It's okay,now come,Mal and I have a nice cottage where you can stay as much as you like.'' This was all so very beautiful,but it was weird too. I mean,these two women just told Regina how she can live with them and they doesn't even know her. What if she's a murderer,thief,or raper? ''Why are you so nice to me?'' Maleficent looked at her answered sincerely ''Although we're villains,we help people in trouble,especially the ones who are much like we are.'' Regina coughed and stopped walking ''You're villains?'' Cruella grinned and asked though amazed voice ''And what? You're not?'' Regina didn't know what to say. Was she a villain? No...but she wasn't hero either. Something in between? ''So you are a hero?'' Cruella asked her again and then Regina answered ''I'm not a villain,and certainly not a hero.'' Maleficent started walking into the woods with Cruella and Regina was following them when she heard Maleficent's words ''There's nothing in between Regina. You're either a hero or a villain,it's your choice.'' Regina smirked while she was walking behind them thinking how great would it be for her to become a Queen. But not an ordinary Queen. She wanted to be a powerful one,the one people would fear and the one people would bow. She could have that,but she left that behind and now she has a batter thought. How about she kills Queen Eva and instead of her she rules a Kingdom? Oh,yes,that sounds perfect. No one could do anything to her,even Robin. How it comes that every time she thinks about something he came into her head? It's the same thing about her. He can't stop thinking about her. He misses her so much. By now they would be husband and wife going to their honeymoon,making love. His chest hurts so much,just on thoughts about that;how he holds her,how she's writhing underneath him,how his kissing all of her just how she likes...God,it hurts so damn much. He already sent his guards to look for her and he swears he will kill each one of them if they don't bring her back to him. He locked himself in their room,laying on their bed trying to catch and keep her smell on her pillow. Someone said that he's in a depression. He's almost the whole time in their chamber trying to reach why did she leave him. He's confused and all he want is to see her. Although he's not entirely sure what would he said or do to her. Would he just started kissing her like she gave him a reason to continue his,at the moment miserable life,or he would wanted an answers to his unanswered questions? Meanwhile Mal,Cruella and Regina were in their cottage talking about their lives,so they could know each other better. ''So,yeah,that's it.'' said Maleficent,almost crying ''He needed to go and he never came back. He's probably dead...'' Cruella touched Mal's hand and said ''But it was long time ago...'' Maleficent nodded and Regina said ''It's probably my turn now. You too said everything about yourselves.'' Cruella nodded and said ''It's your choice. You don't have to tell us.'' But Regina told them anyway ''So,one day the King,Robin of Locksley came to my house to ask for my hand in marriage.'' Maleficent asked her in higher and confused voice ''What?! H-he?!'' Regina nodded and said through laugh ''yes! And then,at first,we didn't get along but after some time...we became closer and fell in love. Actually I fell in love,he was just using me,nothing new. And today was my wedding day until,that son of a bitch,that King Leopold came and tried to rape me.'' Women weren't looking her with pity,but understanding. They were all in the same shit as Regina,so...''And he said how Robin has a tower where he intend to lock me in and I didn't believe him but,Leopold showed me that tower...'' the tear went down her face ''where I found a letter which Robin wrote,and it said how I have a beautiful body and how I'm a chick . I mean,would someone who loves you say something like that? And I found some photos,and that was enough for me,but it wasn't enough for Leopold. He removed my clothes and he was about to rape me...but I hit him with glass candle and he died. And then I jumped through window and here I am...'' women were shocked by Regina's story,and then Regina continued ''He probably sent an army to look for me.'' Mal smiled and said ''Don't worry,you can stay here how much you like.'' Regina nodded ''I know,but I have another plan.'' Maleficent and Cruella looked at each other and Regina continued with confident voice ''I'm going to kill Queen Eva and become the Queen myself.'' Cruella coughed and asked her a bit scared ''And how are you planning that?'' Regina got up from the chair,she started walking as she answered her ''With magic of course.'' Maleficent smiled and asked ''you have magic?'' she looked at Cruella. Regina nodded,stretched her arm and said ''yeah,but this bracelet is prohibiting me to use magic. Do you know how to remove it?'' Maleficent got up from the chair and said ''I can try...'' and then Cruella said one of her black humor jokes ''But if she doesn't succeed in that,we can cut your arm.'' Regina made a face and Cruella smiled and Mal said ''That's Cruella's sense of humor.'' Regina nodded and said a bit confused ''It's alright. Now,try.'' before Maleficent started removing Regina's bracelet she said that it will hurt a little,so...Regina sat on the bed when Maleficent took her hand and started removing bracelet. Something purple was going from Mal's hand as she was trying to remove Regina's uncomfortable jewelry. She was concentrated,looking only at Regina's wrist,ignoring Regina's screams. And in one moment bracelet just fell of Regina's wrist and turned into ash and disappeared somewhere unknown to them. Regina smiled truthfully ''Oh,I can feel it.'' she got up from the bed,powerful then ever. Magic was going through her body like electricity and she missed it so much. She threw one of her fireballs into fireplace and smiled satisfactorily ''thank you!'' she hugged Maleficent and said to both of them ''I can assure you one thing. When I become a Queen you will come and live with me. And Cruella...you will have how many furs and diamonds you want.'' Cruella smiled and said politely ''Yes,thank you...But Regina,you can't just go at the Queen's castle and kill her. People love that woman and her sweet little,brat of a daughter.'' Regina nodded and said ''I know.'' And so the time passed by. Regina was living with Cruella and Maleficent in their cottage. She was happy because she belonged somewhere. Somewhere where no one criticizes her all the time,telling her what she's done wrong or what she has to do. Maybe that was the problem with Snow and Emma. They didn't understand her because they are heroes, and now when Regina is with villains she finally feels like she's home...alright not exactly,her only,the safest home is Robin embrace but as the time passes by she is bit by bit forgetting about him although here are Cruella's accent and blue eyes which reminds Regina so much of Robin. She hates him because of that,and because he almost found her. One day Regina was in the nature,bathing in the lake where (she only thought) no one comes,because it was in the middle of the woods. She was there enjoying,relaxing and thinking how it would be great to wear a crown worthily of the Queen. Not Eva. She was most certainly not the ruler figure,but Regina is. She knows exactly what she wants. And now her feelings are not all mixed up. As she was thinking about that,having a light smile across her face she heard men yelling ''Split up! Find her!'' Regina came into reality,terrified with thought how they will find her and take her to Robin. She was silent,not moving,not even an inch because in this kinds of situations even a little thing could change everything. Then she heard a very familiar voice. Deep and upset with perfect accent ''If you don't find her,don't even come back!'' Oh shit. Shit. Shit. That was him! Robin,he was personally looking for her. He has never done that before. He just sent his army to look for her and that's it. What so special now? She dived deep into the water when she saw one of the guards coming towards the lake. And all she could think under the water is ''Hold on Regina,hold on...he will go away soon enough! Robin can't find you! '' and when she couldn't hold on any longer she needed air. And she got on surface and inhaled deeply. When there was no one around she got outside the water and got dressed. She started running but then she saw him. He was sitting on one of the benches in the woods with Sidney on his left side. Regina was spying on them. And all she could think is how beautiful he is. How she wants to run into his arms and forget about everything and just kiss him and let him hold and touch her. Perfect fantasy. But that's what it is-just a fantasy. She heard a bit from their conversation. First it was Robin ''What do you think,are we ever going to find her?'' Regina waited Sidney's answer ''Your Highness that woman was...'' He stopped but Robin told him to continue no matter what he has to say,Robin will listen to him ''Regina was a weird woman. Complicated. And why did she cheat on you? With King Leopold? And then she cold-bloodlessly killed him like...'' Robin raised his hand to make clear to Sidney that's enough. He doesn't want to hear anything else. And he continued ''Sidney you are the only one with whom I'm talking and those stuff...'' Sidney nodded and said ''That's right your Highness,you can tell me anything you want.'' What a lying bastard. Regina was still listening their conversation,waiting to hear what will Robin told Sidney. ''I really miss her.'' Regina relaxed and her heart melted because of his words. She leaned on the tree next to her and continued listening his,heartbreaking words ''I truly need her,like oxygen. I know I wasn't the best person,especially not at the beginning but I thought she forgot that,that she accepted me for who I am...And I swear Sidney I swear with my sons life that I love her. She's the woman I want to give birth to my children,to laugh with to cuddle with... And I made that clear to her. I don't know why did she leave me or sleep with Leopold...'' Sidney put his hand on Robin's shoulder and said ''It's been only two months,you'll find her. She can't hide forever.'' Regina was crying and shaking. All of this words were coming from his mouth,his perfect mouth she wanted so badly right now,everywhere on her body. He loves her. She heard every word perfectly clear. He said that. He needs her. The woman who left him. He wants a life with her and what is she doing? She hiding from him. What a coward. She was overwhelmed with mixed feelings and especially with that one;love. She was breathing aloud very heavily. She was scared because she thought they would hear her. And as the tears were running down her face a little smile,like a ray, crossed across her face. ''I love you too,my darling. '' was all she thought and she completely forgot the letter and photos and room. Everything. She put a wide smile across her face while she was looking at him. That happiness made her beautiful face even more enchanting. She was truly in love. Every inch of her face was glowing,especially now when she was laughing with her whole heart. She was even thinking of going there and jumping into his embrace,kissing his face and telling him how she missed him too. How she wants him to make love with her,until they both die. Okay,not 'die' but it was that kind of feeling. She needed him so desperately,she also wanted to wake up in the morning in his arms and grab him with her weak arms as strongest she can but then...her thought were disturbed when she saw Sidney pulling a knife from his pocket. He was about to stab Robin. To kill him in front of her bare eyes. But Regina reacted fast. Sidney was about to stab him,first in arm but Regina got out from the shadows and all of her fury and anger got out from her by a powerful fireball which she threw at Sidney. Sidney shouted through scream ''Your Highness! Watch out!'' Robin raised his head from the ground and saw Regina throwing fireballs all around the place. But what he didn't know is that she wasn't throwing fireballs at Robin but at that cheeky idiot-Sidney. ''Regina!'' Robin shouted,but she didn't turn around to see him. She was about to kill Sidney but then the rest of Robin guards came throwing arrows at Regina because they also thought she was about to hurt their King. Regina saw few of arrows approaching her but Robin ran to her to protect her,to take an arrow for her but she disappeared in purple smoke. He was there,almost holding her in his arms but she had to go. If she didn't they would kill her. But she was so close. So close to his lips and eyes. So close to him. But what about him? He had a woman he loves within reach and yet he couldn't hold her in his embrace. Robin was furious at people who tried to harm her. He came to one of his guards and hit his face as hardest he has,and believe me,he can. He's way to strong. What an irony;so strong but he can't hold such fragile and,in his embrace, tiny woman as Regina. Guard was bleeding and Robin shouted ''I don't want you,or any one of you who almost hurt her in my castle!'' Robin took one of their arrows and aggressively stab it into guard belly. Guard screamed at one moment and then just fell on the ground. Other were terrified because of his action. ''Now,get the Hell out of my sight! Don't you even come in my Kingdom ever again!'' they all split up and went into the woods. Well this was cruel. He just banished ten people from his Kingdom and they will all probably go to the Kingdom of Queen Eva,which will has a new ruler-Regina. Regina teleported herself into a cottage where were Cruella and Maleficent asking her ''Regina,what happened?'' Regina was crying while she was answering them ''He was there! After two months of separation he still...loves me.'' Cruella rolled her eyes and asked ''Still? Wasn't he the one who was using you...for pleasure?'' Regina looked at her with anger and Cruella shut her mouth and then Maleficent said ''Regina,you can't just forget everything he's done to you just because you saw him'' Yeah,Regina knew this was true but ''Thank God I will see him again. Some day. He almost got killed today!'' after this Cruella hugged her and said ''Regina,I am your friend and I know how much you suffered...and that 'chick' nickname he gave you is really...humiliating.'' Regina nodded and looked at them as she was wiping her tears away ''I know...but...'' Cruella interrupted her ''There's not 'buts' Regina. You turned a new page. You continued with your life and the last thing I want as your friend is to see you suffering all over again!'' Maybe Cruella did cross the line with this but...Regina herself knew that Cruella was,on one hand,right. Now,she will concentrate on becoming a Queen. Very soon she will attack Queen Eva's Kingdom and kill her and by that she will become a Queen herself,and she will have everyone underneath her feet. And when that day come she will call Robin herself. She will tell him everything and she won't be fragile and weak in front of him. She will have enough strength to face with him. To tell him how she feels,how she loves him.

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