Chapter Two

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I arrived back at home shortly after 11 and walked up the stairs to my apartment. As I walked up the stairs I couldn't help but think of Patrick. The mix of lust and hunger in his face as he stared at me. Staring at me as he held onto Evelyn, Evelyn, my best friend, the only girl I've somewhat gotten along with my whole life. I shouldn't be thinking thoughts about her fiancé. Even if she does cheat on him and she's with him solely because of his position with his job. I shakily unlocked the door to my apartment and flipped on the light switch as I walked in.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop thinking of that yuppie scum. And that godforsaken look. I didn't know if I wanted to destroy him with an axe or have him destroy me with...something else. I quickly changed out of my dinner clothing and found something more casual and suitable to wear before leaving my apartment once more. I walked down the street, holding my coat tightly closed, to shield me from the cold wind blowing through the New York streets. I looked around and noticed a male had started following behind shortly afterwards and smirked to myself, knowing what would be coming next and what his fate would be.

I turned down the next alley and began walking down quickly, but not quick enough to wear the man would lose me. Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm as it pulled him hard and felt my back pressed against the wall. "What do you think you're doing walking down an alley this late as pretty as you are?" The man whispered against my ear, his hot breath reeking of alcohol. And not the good stuff either, definitely something cheap and probably straight out of the bottle. I grabbed his face with my hand and pulled it back to get a good look at his features. He had a light stubble that made a scratchy sound against my gloves as he tried to fight back against my grip, while making grunts and whimpers. I chuckled at his weak behavior before pulling my knife from my pocket and stabbing him in his throat. I pulled the knife out and watched the blood spew from his neck and onto the ground next to us as he lifted his hand and gripped tightly onto his neck.

He tried to scream but the only sound to escape was the gurgling sound from the blood overflowing his throat and mouth. He started backing up slowly before I pulled away from the wall while grabbing the back of his head and slamming it against the brick wall he once had me pinned against. His body fell to the ground and he started to quiver from the trauma I had caused to his body. And suddenly the gurgling and shaking stopped and the only sound that echoed into the alley was the sound of the bustling of people and cars from the streets of New York. I kicked at his body to make sure it was still before smiling and walking away from his body, taking my knife with me of course.

I arrived back at my apartment and checked the time, it was after midnight and I had work in the morning. I threw my blood covered clothes in a plastic bag and shoved them in one of my spare bedrooms before walking carefully to my bathroom to hop in the shower. I felt the steaming hot water spill down my torso and drip onto the ground below me. Just when I thought my mind had been cleared, I pictured him again. I closed my eyes and imagined his strong hands gripping my body and pulling me close to him. The water from the shower above pouring above us like a scene in a romance film. I shot my eyes open and quickly turned off the water before climbing out of the shower and drying myself off.

I thought ending that man's life in the alley would remind me the disgust I had for men and their habits but I couldn't stop thinking of Patrick. Something about him drew me in. Maybe it was his stares, or lack of words. Something about him. Something. He was so mysterious. He could be hiding something. Something that makes him not marry Evelyn. Unless he knows she's cheating on him and has his own reasons for staying with her despite that fact. I took a deep breath as I climbed into my bed and closed my eyes. Sleeping would fix this. Sleeping would make him go away. Right?

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