Qinter 1

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Sorry, this is going to be a short chapter.

Qibli's POV:

"So, what do you need?" Winter asked me. I lead him out here to ask him a question. "Look, a few weeks ago you were complaining about me having to be your roommate, so, you and I can go ask to move to different rooms, if you want," I replied. I don't think he heard me because he wasn't looking at me, but he was looking up. "Winter, hello? You alive?" I asked. "Qibli, look up," he said. So, I look up and see... mistletoe. I freeze. "Frick, I forgot it was December!" I nearly yell, "Look I know you don't like me, so you and I don't need to do the tradition, if you don't want to." I start to walk away but Winter grabs my hand, "Wait, Qibli, your right, I don't like you-," Winter starts, I open my mouth to say something, but Winter puts his hand up signaling me to not talk, so I shut my mouth and listen. He continuous, "I don't like you, Qibli, I love you." Winter puts his hand on my cheek, "What?" I ask, and look back down at him, I start to blush, just looking at him makes me feel like I'm sick, but before I half know what's going on Winter kisses me. After it happens, I make a Stupid, bad joke, "Haha, what a good joke, so funny!" I say before I know what I'm doing. "Joke?" Winter askes, "Joke?! I just confessed my love for you, and you thought it was a "Joke"?" I see tears welling up in Winter's eyes, he takes a step back, then runs away down the hall. "Stupid" I thought to myself, "that was so stupid, now he probably hates me and thinks I don't know when not to joke. And he is probably right. I don't know when to not joke." I fall against the wall and sink to the floor, crying. When I'm out of tears, I finally stand up and walk back to my dorm room. I open the door, but Winter isn't in the room, anywhere. I hear a sob and a sniff over to my right, I look over and see him, Winter. I run over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, but he batts it away, "I don't want to talk to you right now, Qibli," he said in a hushed tone, "I don't want to talk to anyone right now." I sighed, but instead of listening to him I grab his arm and scoop him up in my arms. He yelps in surprise of being picked up. "What are you doing?!" He screams. "Making you get some sleep, so you don't fail class tomorrow!" I reply. He screams again when I through him on the bed. I plop down by him and quickly grab his hand before he can run away. I thrust him back down on the bed, and he yelps. before he can stand up again, I grab him and pin him down on the bed. "You can't escape my grasp, and even if you could I'd just pin you down again, cause you need to sleep!" I say. And finally, Winter stops struggling and relaxes. "Good," I say, letting go of him. And for the next hour he just lays there, not doing anything. I look over to see if he was sleeping but he was wide awake. "Hey," I say in a soft tone, "You, okay?" He shifts uncomfortably and says, "No." I sit up a little, "Why?" I ask. "I just- I don't know, okay? Something is making me uncomfortable; I don't know what it is," he says. "Maybe it's me?" I whisper. "Maybe, you creep," he laughs. Then I climb on top of him. "Yeah, you're definitely making me uncomfortable, in more ways than one," he says, looking at me with a smile. "You look cute when you smile," I say, "you should do it more often." He starts to blush, hard. "Comon, we need to sleep," he said, but I don't get off him, "One thing before we sleep," I say, I lean in and kiss him, he does not refuse me, but rather he kisses back. "So, it was not a joke after all!" I think to myself. "It was all real." We both stop at the same time, and when we stop, we smile. "I love you to, Winter, I always have, since second grade," I say to him. And to my surprise Winter says, "Me to, Qibli." I smile even more, so much that I thought my jaw was going to break. Winter chuckles, "Qibli you're going to break your face if you keep smiling like that!" I just roll my eyes and kiss him again. then without talking one more word we snuggle up together and fall asleep. I woke in the morning I woke up and looked at the clock; 9:39. It said. I looked over at Winter, he was sound asleep. "Aww," I whisper, "so cute." Winter opens one of his eyes and said, "Really? Stalking me in my sleep? You really are the creep I love, and you are the one that is so cute." He opened both eyes and sat up by me. I snuggled closer to him and fell back asleep. Next time I woke up it was 12:07. Winter was still next to me but wide awake. "Oh, your awake," he said, petting my head. I leaned closer to him, and I was still tired, so of course I fell back asleep, 10 minutes later I woke up, and Winter was still there. I sat up all the way, "Winter," I say, "why did you stay, and not go do something?" He shrugs, "I Dunno." Then the announcements come on, "The Winter Formal is tomorrow, so get your date and have fun!" Winter looks at me, I look at him and he said in a dramatic voice, "OH NO! I DON'T HAVE A DATE! WHAT SHALL I DO?" I snicker, "Don't worry Winter, I shall accompany you to the dance!" We both burst out with laughter. "Oh my god, that was hilarious!" I giggle, "but I'm not kidding, I will go with you." "Yeah, I know," Winter says. "And yes, I would love to go with you, Qibli." He nods, "Oh, yeah, um, does-, are we-," I stutter. "What?" Winter asks. "Does- does this mean we are Boyfriends now?" I blurted out. Then I immediately put my hand over my mouth, regretting what I said. Winter looks at me, "Of course, Qibli." Winter takes my hand and holds me close. "I was goanna ask the same thing." I smile at him, and he smiles back at me.

Time skip, (Cuz I'm lazy)

I looked up at the sign that said The Winter Dance. I was worried having Winter go with me, I didn't want him to feel embarrassed going with me. I thought he might not show up, but, "Qibli, hey!" I heard him yell. I turn around and nearly get trampled by Winter. We waited for the others to show up, then of course again I almost g- wait no I GOT trampled, by Kinkajou, Moon, Turtle, Umber, Tamarin, Anemone, Coconut, and Marsh. Everyone except me started to laugh. Winter helped me up, and they all said Sorry, and Hello, and Who is your date? Kink said she took Turtle, Moon said she took Umber, Anemone said she took Tamarin, and Coconut said he took Marsh. They asked who we took, and I said Winter. They look at me like I'm crazy and Moon said, "Winter? There is no way he went with you-" Winter stopped her mid-sentence, "Moon, it's true, he took me." Moon almost went cross eyed, and Kink jumped on me and said, "YOU'RE SO LUCKY!!!!" Then Kink hopped off me and said, "Come on, let's be the first ones to dance!" We went to the dance floor and Kink pulled Turtle into a dance, Moon pulled Umber, Tamarian pulled Anemone to dance, so I decided to pull Winter. He didn't hesitate, he came and didn't resist at all. Other people joined us as the night went on. It was time. They were announcing the dance king and queen. "The king and king are... Qibli and... Winter!" the person said. "WHAT??!!" everybody shrieks.                     


1402 words.        

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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