Chapter 25: Belos

Start from the beginning

"You won't be walking out of here," Philip says voice still steady, "I'll make sure of that. But yes, they can, at least according to what I've read. I made them because Grimwalkers are loyal to their masters, though it seems even loyalty for one's maker has its limits and betrayal is in your nature. I don't like killing them,'s necessary. As for Caleb, he betrayed me – we came here intending to do a job and he gave it up and chose that witch over our family, our work. And the only thing I called 'Evelyn' was her Palisman, so if you called it Flapjack, there's your answer."

Hunter nods, still staring at the floor, bowed, "I have two other things to ask. May I?"

Philip nods, "Quickly. I don't want to waste time."

"If I let you kill me, will you please not take out whatever anger you have for Caleb, for Golden Guards, for me, against my friends? Fight them, if you have to, but...just please, don't make it worse?"

Philip nods, "A noble request. It seems, while misplaced, you're still loyal to a fault. So yes. My disappointment in your kind will stay with you. Your last question?"

"Did you ever care about me? Or was that a lie, too?" Hunter whispers.

Philip doesn't answer. Another of Belos' whip-like appendages flies from Philip's side and slams down on Hunter's back, flattening him to the floor. Hunter tries to push himself up when another blow lands against the side of his head, dizzying him and knocking him to the ground.

"Unfortunately," Philip says, "We can't keep talking. I've been readying the materials for a new Grimwalker and they won't keep indefinitely. But stonesleeper lungs are rather hard to come see, I've only ever encountered one. So I'll need to retrieve the ones in you. And the spell is stronger if they come from a living being."

Panic grips Hunter as one of the tendrils wraps around his injured leg and drags him toward Philip. He struggles to free himself, but the pain from his damaged knee causes him to black out for a few seconds. He opens his eyes to see Philip standing over him. A large spike rises from his back.

"I'm sorry, Hunter. I really did like you, to a point. But also...goodbye."

Hunter manages to turn on his side, curling in on himself. He can't stop his tears, so he hides his face in his arms and waits for the strike. Something wraps around his wrists and ankles and the spike descends, lifting the edge of Hunter's shirt. It gouges a guide line along his side and onto his back. Hunter whimpers, stifling any reaction to the pain he knows will pale in comparison to what's coming.

Hunter is shaking, terrified, blood already oozing across his skin, when something explodes, blowing the great doors off their hinges. Philip transforms into Belos the monster, releasing Hunter. One of the doors sails over Hunter and slams into Belos' chest, sending him flying backwards onto the platform for the portal.

He hears a voice he knows well loudly demand, "Get away from him!"

"Mom?" he whispers, unheard above the noise.

"I'll do as I wish, he's mine!" Belos roars as he flings aside the door, a light spell blinding him as he attempts to stand, stumbling forward toward Hunter on all fours.

Camila runs across the room to put herself between Belos and Hunter, "NOBODY TOUCHES MY KIDS!" she yells, swinging the bat, covered in glyphs, at Belos. It slams into his head and the combination glyph explodes in flame, steam, and writhing tentacles of burning abomination matter.

At the same time, two more people run to Hunter, sliding to a stop beside him, as a protective dome of vines and abomination matter shields the four of them from Belos' rage as he attacks.

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