Monsiuer Google

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My apologies for the lack of updates.


Sally's P.O.V.

Erik has basically buried his head in Game Of Thrones, maybe after he's done with book one I can show him the first season of the show. Home..just the way I left it. My art scattered across the table, bills to be payed, chores to be done. But I'm mostly worried about how I'm going to make life...easier or less strange for Erik. I watched him read as I rested my head on the kitchen table. Just looking at him away from that dreadful place he called home.

That's right..You him..

But let him settle, he's been through so much...

Erik placed the book to the side and stretched his arms then noticed me staring out into space. He waved his hand horizontally in my direction.

"Sally?" I sat up a little.

"Hm..?" I answered.

"Just making sure you did not die." He said chuckling. He came and sat next me and examined the things on the table.

"I guess this just proves that you are just as messy as me." I smiled and sat up completely. We both walked around my tiny apartment and as he pointed out things I explained what they were. Erik pointed at a stereo, microwave, heater until we finally came to my laptop.

"What's this?" Erik asked while leaning closer to the alien object.

"Ah yes, this is a computer. But it's small so it's a laptop." Erik raised an eyebrow as I explained it function and uses, but he stopped me once we got to the word "the Internet".

"What?" Erik asked again.
Oh boy, how does one explain the Internet.
"Well the Internet is like this thing..where you find pretty much anything. History on things, social media, photos, etc. etc. did that make any sense..?"
Erik crossed his arms and looked at the screen.
"So how do I find something?"

"So once you pull up a window," I instructed but Erik immediately went to open a window in the kitchen.

"Like this?" I laughed a little.

"No honey, a window on a browser."
I replied while demonstrating. I just called him honey..I HAVE NO REGRETS.
Erik nodded and sat beside me trying to understand everything. As I explained Chrome and Firefox I found him in complete bewilderment. Him settling is going to be tough..

"What is that?"

"Oh! This is Google, it's a search engine."
Erik looked at the screen then back at me oddly.

"Google?" He asked still totally confused.

"Yes. Here, tell me to search something." I said completely prepared. He sat up straight and stared at the screen for a minute.

"Paris." I nodded and typed it in.

"You see? Pictures, information, yeah."
Erik's face was basically centimeters away from the computer screen trying to comprehend what was happening.
Honestly, I couldn't tell whether it's confusion or something else that was stretched across his face. He then turned away from the screen and shook his head.
"Erik are you alright?" I said while setting the laptop aside.
"I'm fine, but I believe I have had enough of this "Google" for one day thank you."

I nodded and closed the laptop screen. I looked back over at him. He simply peered out the window, I tried to read him but I simply failed.
"Erik?" I called while walking toward him.
No answer.
I took a step closer and made my tone softer,
"Erik? Are you okay?" Erik stayed in his position and nodded.
"Fine, if you would excuse me Sally I just want-" His voice quivered a bit. I then stood up straight and smiled.
"I'll give you a minute." I finished politely.

Erik's P.O.V

I watched her leave the room, how am I going to survive here? I massaged my deformed face with my boney fingers trying to ease my nervousness. The laptop sort of called to me as it sat there, endless knowledge at my finger tips. Looking from side to side, I sat down and carefully open the machine. This thing is so alien, I rested my hands on the smooth keyboard trying to remember the instructions that Sally gave me before on how to activate it.

" a window." I said instructing myself. Once that was completed I prepared myself for the next task.
"Now, open Hoog-Google, damn these obscure words.." I fiddled around a bit until I realized the image of "Google" was right in front of me. Yes! I briefly raised my arms in the air in victory.

Now, no more acting like a fool. I adjusted myself and leaned in a bit toward the screen. What to search? I couldn't help but feel a tad god like with so much information awaiting at my finger tips.

Then an idea popped in my head.
Quickly I typed something in and loads and loads of pictures and information appeared. I then clicked on something called "Google Images" and my eyes widened.
These people have information on everything.

Even my Christine...

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