Chapter 10

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Two hours of drawing was pain staking.

John didn't talk to me at all during those two hours. Instead, he talked to this girl with blond (obviously dyed) hair. She was pretty, I can tell you that, but I was jealous.

John was all over this girl. Passing her notes, sitting closer to her than what he did to me.

John was still sat next to me, but he didn't take any notice of me.

The bell rang and I stood up and packed my things away furiously. Throwing my stuff on Mr Simmonds desk, I stormed out the class.

Frustration and sadness was rushing through my body as I paced down the long corridors towards the exit of the collage.

Me and John weren't a thing, but i felt betrayed. He had said he loved me. Me and him shared moments together. Jesus Christ, just this morning we shared a moment!

As the exit called my name, i hurried my footsteps. I was so stressed out that i didn't even notice a boy walk out in front of me. I bumped into him and fell hard on the cold floor.

"watch it!" i said looking up to notice it was one of Johns mates.

"i'm sorry" he said picking me up off the floor. His voice was smooth and soft.

"it was my fault" i said blushing; picking up my satchel. "Stewart, right?"

He nodded and handed me my sketch book.

"you look angry" i nodded and slowly walked towards the exit. Stewart


"I'm not angry, just frustrated." Stewart nodded and watched my every move.

"you're John's gal aint you?" i stopped in my tracks.

"I'm not any thing of Johns" i stated before walking out the door and down the road.

"I thought so. He's already got a gal. In fact, she started his class today"

I looked at Stewart before storming off down.

"He never mentioned that. He never mentioned about having a girl. He-he..." i stopped and felt tears fall down my cheeks.

Stewart walked over to me and pulled me into hug.

"Lennons like that, but he does like you prudence, a lot." I looked up at Stewart.

"You really think so?" He nodded and pulled away.

"He doesn't shut up about you. He always tells the group about how talented and beautiful you are. Me and Pete end up nodding along with him until he shuts up. George, he listens to every word John says. Paul just shrugs it off and tries getting back to practising" I giggled and slowly walked down the streets; Stewart following me.

"Paul doesn't really like me, I have no clue why"

"Paul gets like that when new folk come into johns life. Paul's very protective of him, I mean him and John are best mates" I nodded and kicked a stone.

"Look I'm Stewart, it was nice taking to you but I should really get home. I got a lot of things on my mind and I've got a lot of things to do"

"Let me take you for lunch first" I agreed and soon we headed off towards a diner.


"Tell me about your self" Stewart said as he finished his beef burger. I sipped on my strawberry milkshake and nippled on my chips.

"Well I'm from London. I move around a lot because my dad is in the forces. I'm not very good at making friends and I love rock n roll. that's about it really, what about you?" Stewart took a large gulp of his cola before talking.

"There's not much too me really. I like art and music. I can't play anything even though John is determined to make me learn..."

I watched Stewart as he talked. His hands flapping about and his hair bouncing as he talked. He was different from all the guys I've met. Stewart had the calm sense of aroma around him. He was slow with his words and very understanding. Yes, he was part of the rock n roll scene, but by the looks of it, he didn't like it.

I thought about John and how he somewhat lied to me. He said he loved me but maybe it was all an act to get in my pants. But then again, John was caring. He made sure I was ok when I found out about my granddad. He was the first person to talk to me when I came to this bombed up city.

I shook those thoughts out of my head and looked at the time.

"I'm sorry to be a buzz kill but I should really be getting home. I don't think I could stand another minute in that college." Stewart nodded and left some money on the table before walking out the doors with me.

"It was nice getting to know you prudence" he said; taking a cigarette from his pocket. "I've got to get back to the college to finish my work. I can talk to John for you if you want"

"That won't me necessary but thank you. Thank you for lunch" I kissed him on the cheek and watched as we walked our separate ways.

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