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I slowly open my eyes to realize I'm in some burning building with a lot of bodies surrounding me. Everything was blurry but I saw a person get up and slowly walk out as he coughed due to the smoke.

I saw him look at my body before leaving. I used my senses to hear and realized that the male had friends who came to save him before they left. I slowly got up and coughed as the smoke entered my newfound lungs.

I tried to get up when I heard a cough which caused me to look around and notice a young girl who had a stick pierced through her chest as she was slowly turning grey. It must have felt painful I thought.

With the little strength I could muster, I walked up to the girl who looked at me in fear.

"*Uff* Don't worry *Uff* I'll save you," I said between coughs.

I knew I didn't have much time to pull out the stick from her chest since the place was collapsing so I quickly pulled it out and gently picked up her small body and tried my best to quickly get out of the building. I kicked the door down and walked until I was in an alley where I gently placed the girl on the ground.

I tried to reassure her that everything would be okay as I slowly pulled the stick out of her chest as she gasped for breath. I was about to ask her if she was okay now when I was suddenly hit with a very painful headache that caused me to collapse on the ground.


Anna stared at the man in shock. 

She wondered why he helped her when he aided the people to capture and kill all of them. She went up and touched his limp body and realized he was still alive but she wondered how he was still alive as she saw when one of the tomb vampires snapped his neck and was killed by Damon.

One of the members of the supernatural committee of Mystic Falls tried to finish her off by staking her but they missed her heart. However, they weren't too far off as she felt she was slowly dying as she lay on the ground feeling her body turn grey. She cried because she would miss Jeremy but she knew she'd be able to see her mom and Harvey on the other side.

She didn't expect that the person she saw through the smoke was Mayor Lockwood and for a second she thought he kind of looked different like the way buffer and his hair grew longer since she last saw him which wasn't a long time.

She was about to leave when her conscience got to her making her realize she couldn't leave him there. I mean he even saved her life. Thinking it's best to bring him to hospital, Anna lifted the male and sped to a car placing him in the back seat before getting in herself.

She thought it was best to try the town over than Mystic Falls and so she drove out of the town.


I woke up feeling fuzzy only for a bright light to hit me in the face. I tried to get only to realize I was in the hospital. After I collapsed I seemed to have gotten the memory of this body. My name is Antonio Ricardo Lockwood but I told everyone it's Richard to please my wife.

I have an estranged brother named Mason Jonathan Lockwood and I am the mayor of the town Mystic Falls which is a town that beacons supernatural.

The sad part is that I am an asshole since this is an alternate version of myself but the good thing is I'm in the same world as my first life so I'll most likely be able to find my son since I felt his soul energy as I entered this world. I also gained another son Tyler Xavier Lockwood. Also, I'm married and my wife has been cheating on me with a woman called Elisabeth.

From my memory, she reminds me of the woman in my first life who birthed my first son and Lily Potter the woman from my second life. My second .name was Sirius Black and I fell in love with Lily when we started dating. I thought we were in love only to find out she was married to James. She found out she was pregnant with my son Harry and passed him up as James' son. I tried to be with Harry but they banned me and framed me but this time I'm in my old world and I will find my son.

I hate that I carried the curse of being a werewolf in all my life. In my second life as Sirius, I played it off that my Animagus was a shaggy dog since I knew about the hatred for werewolves.

"You awake good I'll inform your daughter," said a nurse as she checked my vitals before leaving.

Daughter? I went through the memory of this body and I know for sure I don't have a daughter. It was then that I noticed the girl from before.

"I had to tell them I'm your daughter," she informed me before looking at me cautiously.

"Oh well thank you for bringing me here," I said.

"Why did you save me after allowing your officers to capture me and try to kill me?" she asked seriously.

I then remembered that vampires now existed along with werewolves and that tonight my old self along with the members of the council decided to smoke out the vampires and kill them but why did I fall prey to the noise when I'm not a vampire?

"Well I'm sorry but we didn't know there were good vampires among the bad and I'm sure you aren't innocent since you also caused problems in the town upon your arrival," I said looking at her.

"I'm sorry I just wanted my mother but she's gone now," she said as a tear fell from her eye.

I didn't know what came over me as I took her into my arms and rubbed her back as she sobbed for the loss of her mother. It pained my heart but I finally decided I was keeping her.

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