Dukemon x Beelzemon Part 1

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As all the royal knights expect Dukemon since he went out to do something where either reading or playing games around the round table in the dining room which is attach to the living room but anyways everyone was pretty much was doing their own thing then all of a sudden the door open and everyone look up real quick then look back to what they where doing then stop and look right back up with wide eyes and blink slowly and even rub their eyes not believing what they were seeing.

Dukemon POV: After I was done getting the little ones from my boyfriends place I headed to world tree then gone inside and headed towards the the doors that led to the dining/living room once that I was near the doors I open it and saw everyone either reading or doing there own things so I decide to head to the kitchen to get the little ones something to eat. When I was half way towards where the kitchen is at I notice everyone staring at me so I turn towards them "What's wrong guys why the sudden staring?" I ask with concern "Duke what is that?" Omegamon ask me and I look down in my hands at my smoothie "A smoothie why!?" I exclaimed confusedly "No not that you idiot I mean about all the Demidevimon's attached to you!" Omegamon says loudly with some frustration "Oh these guys! Well I am babysitting them for a while until the meeting at my boyfriends place is over since he doesn't want any of them to get hurt or do something stupid so they are with me for right now." I explain to him "Anyways I have to get going these guys are getting hungry." as I tell them that I started heading to the kitchen like I was previously doing leaving everyone behind in the tense feeling environment.

After Dukemon had left everyone just stay there in silent tense "So it seems that Duke has a boyfriend thoughts?" Magnamon says trying to break the tense atmosphere and everyone looks at him with a look that says 'oh you think!' then everyone turn their attention to Alphamon who stops knitting. "Well I think we should figure out who this boyfriend is and see if he is good enough for our little Duke. After all, we don't want another incident after what happened with Duke and his ex." he says calmly. So everyone started to come up with plans on who the boyfriend could be even trying to see if anyone in Dukes friend group but none of them are virus types so they probably wouldn't take care of all those Demidevimon's and as they were planning a few hours past by and they hear Duke "Bye guys the meetings over so I am returning the little ones all also be staying over since it will be late if I come back so see yeah." he says as he leaves quickly "Oh shoot we still don't know who the boyfriend is and we can't trust him to do something stupid." Duftmon said worriedly "Wait why are we not following him he did say he was going to his boyfriends place to stay the night so why don't we follow him and we will know who it is?" Jesmon says confusedly to the others and everyone looks at him then towards Alphamon "Mmm...you know that's probably the smartest thing you said. Alright everyone gather your stuff where going to see who this so called boyfriend is and see if they are well suited for Dukemon." Alphmon tells the others while rising from there seat. So everyone with to get there stuff and follow the tracking device that was tracking Dukemon since he went on ahead he also doesn't know that they put a tracking device in him in case of an emergencies anyways as they were following they were all wondering who this boyfriend may be an hope that they would be perfect for Duke but ever since Dukes wedding day where everyone found out what his ex did they couldn't keep their hopes high.                  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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