𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗿𝗺 𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗺𝗶𝘁? | 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

Start from the beginning

"Are you trying to turn me on?" Ender questioned as I rolled my eyes.

"Why haven't you run?" I cut to the chance. He didn't have to deal with my emotions, it wasn't in his job description. "Because I care about you, we're destined to be."

"Ender, you told me that you don't want me." The King took a breath before I turned my head again to find him flabbergasted.

"What happened to the girl that clung to me last night?" He questioned. I wish I had a good answer, yet, all I craved was to push him, far, far away from me and all my troubles. I regretted showing him that part of me.

"She was tipsy and overly emotional. She's long gone now." I said shaping the pastries and filling them with the apple-cinnamon paste needed to make the dish as tasted as it truly was.

He leaned against a nearby wall, crossing his arms and looking at me as if he squinted hard enough he'd unlock the key to my soul. "Well, how can I get her back?" 

"You won't," I responded, pushing the apple fritters into the preheated oven before starting the process of cleaning up. 

"You're sure of this?"

"Positive," I stated before his arms wrapped around me again and pressed a gentle kiss onto my neck.

"I do want you. It's not practical, that's what I refereeing to. But God, the way your body moves against mine.." The King trailed off as I felt his erection grow against me.

"Have you never felt the touch of a woman?" 

"I have. But the passion I feel for you is unmatched." Stupid question, he's a king after all no matter how short-lived. Everyone wanted a piece of him. "You have no clue what passion is."

And I had no right to speak on that, I felt a slither of it last night and lost all moral compass, but, who was going to stop me?

"You want me just as badly as I want you." He claimed as I let out a faulty laugh, grabbing his forearm and squeezing, his grip only tightens.

"Admit it.


"You should go." I felt his lips attach to my neck with need, his hands fumbling with my waist as the oven baked our treats. 

"Not until you tell me you want me. The way you craved me last night proves it." I quickly learned that Ender enjoyed logic when it came to me, only when it came to me.

"Why? If you're so sure why do I need to say it." 

"Why don't you want to say it." The King responded ruthlessly.

"That'd be me submitting, My King. I can't afford to submit."

"It's not submission, it's.. conformation."

"Of submission." I fired back. King Ender heisted, his grip loosening ever so slightly as he let out a grunt of frustration. "To confirm this passion isn't one sided. So I know I'm not crazy." The King admitted, a twinkle of desperation filled his voice as I felt the sparks come flying back to my hands.

"Teach me how to control this," I held up my hands, sparks of my powers flaring off of them. "And I'll confirm. If not, there's no need." I responded, pausing before I forced his hands off of me, him pulling away with a hiss of pain. 

I guess it must hurt, I didn't think some sparkles could hurt.

"I'm sure this is just lust, My King. One day you'll wake up and realize none of these feelings were real." The King rubbed his jaw, bantering with himself about what to say next as the morning sun cast on him perfectly defining his perfect bone structure. I hated just how attractive he was, it was the only distraction I didn't know how to handle.

"This is not lust, I have felt lust. This is passion. And I will not stop arguing with you until you can say the same." 

"You should leave," I responded, gently this time. I saw the glint of hope in his eyes every time he spoke to me. He needed me to get across to his people. I had to remind myself I was nothing but a vessel to carry his message and help him gain connections. The moment I let him into my world of madness would be the very moment I lost all control I had gained through my mothers death. I'd be powerless to my emotion, after these 19 years of battling for that very thing.

The King and I fell silent as he stared at me, my legs crossed as I sat patiently ontop of one of my countertops, running my hands through my hair as I got lost in my thoughts.

"Ding!"  The audible sound of my oven timer sliced through the silence as I cleared my throat, hopping down and taking the apple fritters out of the oven. Perfect, crispy, golden-brown. The same way I had perfected them over the years.

"I.. I'll take one to go." The King finally spoke as I nodded, both relieved and upset at his sudden will to leave. 



I left Drucilla's home hours ago, I now sat in a room full of judgy-conceited royals bickering over which shade of green the newest Emerald on my crown should be. In contrast, I sat deep in my own spindling thoughts of Drucilla.  

Her words lived rent free in my head. Everything about her stapled itself to my mind in an unremovable font. From the way she grinded on me, to the softness of her lips, the way her body moved, to how beautiful she is when she's sensitive and well-vulnerable. I got through to her last night, even if it wasn't only a little bit. I wanted to be there for her. 

I found myself fully aware she thought I was only using her. I understood why, and to some extent, I thought that was all I'd be doing. I needed someone to trust, and unethically Drucilla scratched that itch. She was in need of money and already doing a less-than-normal service for it. I didn't think she'd mind a friendship and spreading a few fake stories. Until it spun into.. well, more than that. I craved to tell my best friend, explain to him the way her eyes pierced a soul and plumaged into the depths of my once-frozen heart. 

I made sure I only felt compassion where it was needed. For my people and well-children. Everyone else could fuck-off for all I cared. Unless it was her. I was shocked when I found we were destined to be.. but God it made sense. I felt as if I was at my peak with her. There was no one like her

I'd learn her, how to love her, how to care for her, how to be there for her, how to make her smile, even if it took every lifetime I'd ever get. 

"Ender!" Viva shouted, the royals surrounding me stared at me fake-greedy concern plastered on their faces. My vision unblurred as I looked around, my eyes finally landing on Viva. She was technically my wife, but God she was so much like these stuck-up preppy royals I couldn't bare to be around her. 

"D-Do you think this shade is okay?.." Viva heisted, tears threatening to fall as I blinked at her, trying to control my anger. All I ever did was give her money and affection for the public. I'd leave her alone at all other times, and every time I looked at her she acted as if she was on the verge of bursting into tears. 

"Yes, my love. It's perfect." I hated addressing her like that, I'd made it very clear we weren't truly together but I didn't need the royals questioning my ability to be serious. A small smile cracked her face as she gave a nod of approval to the royals surrounding us.

God, I missed Drucilla. 


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