𝘀𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘀 | 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿

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"What do they mean?" I questioned, the King staring at my hands in shock.

"It can't be that bad, my majesty," I responded, the King's mouth gaping as he stammered over his words.

"You're.. You're royalty."

"Well, what the fuck does that mean!" I exclaimed, appalled at the idea as The King clung to me tighter, searching my eyes.

"Royals, royal soulmates get their powers in the presence of their soulmates.." The King trailed, conflict flashing in his face as the lustful effects of the wine faded away with the early morning. Birds begin chirping at the windows of my cottage, signaling the morning for the Kingdoms villagers.

"There's no way in fucks cavern I'm your, 'soulmate' are you out of your damn mind?"

"I don't want you to be, trust me, but I would be a liar to say I'm not attracted to you, and the way you fumbled with my collar proves my point." I squinted at the man, disbelieve scourging through my veins.

I'm the furthest thing from royalty. 

"You contradict yourself," I responded, removing myself from his grasp as his eyes lingered before he smiled in awe.

"Why are you so happy about this?" I questioned running my hands threw my hair and starting to pace back and forth through my kitchen.

"Drucilla.." The King trailed his eyes glued to me as he approached me with caution.

"Get away!" I snapped at him, turning to look at him as my hands continued to spark, small burst of my so-called powers pounced out of my hands and hit the floor.

"Look at me." Ender called out, his arms reaching out and grabbing my waist, his delicate skin caressing mine the motion halting my erratic heartbeat. The back of his right-hand meeting my cheek stroking it ever so softly.

"Calm, my dearest Drucilla." The king let out a breathy sigh as I inhaled, staring into his deep green eyes and falling just as hard as I did every other time.

"Breathe with me." And I did. His sudden motions had a grasp over me like no other, I was hooked on his electric touch.


"How'd you do that?.." I asked, the adrenaline slowly filtering out of my veins as he chuckled at the query light-heartedly. His eyes glued on mine, his hand stroking my face.

"Practice." He responded as my head began to clear off the comforting haze of his touch.

"What do we do?" I asked, conflicted. "Hide."

"You're embarrassed of me?" I shot out.

"I'm.. I'm not embarrassed, I just don't know what to do. Drucilla, this wasn't meant to happen." 

"Yeah, well it did. And it's all your fault dumbass!" Ender's face twisted confusion sweeping over him as his grip tightened.

"How is it my fault?" The King asked his brows arched as hiss tone darkened as he grew to be serious once again.

"You came to me! You shouldn't have ever been there, at my mothers funeral! For fucks sake you didn't even know the women!" I shouted, grabbing his arm and pulling him off of me as my head began to swarm with rage.

"That woman, was nowhere near a mother to you, Drucilla. We both know that. I came here to help you! To help you get out of this shit storm she left you in!" Ender exclaimed as he looked me up and down as if I had lost my mind.

"You never meet her though! When she wasn't gone-" I paused, beginning to pace again, the haunting thoughts of my mother always made my skin crawl. "W-When my mother, was my mother, she was beauty! She was grace.." The King cut me off,

"She was a disgrace. Drucilla, you're spiraling." The King prompted me, I didn't care. I couldn't care.

"See! You shouldn't have been at her damn funeral! You monster! You didn't know mama.!" I responded, trying to protect myself from the overbearing truths that lurked in the shadows.

"Why! Why did you come?!" I questioned, my mind had spun itself into one final question. Why?

"Drucilla, I want to help! That's all I've ever wanted! I don't want to see anybody struggle.. and for fucks sake everything else is my fault! The poverty, the hunger, the crimson red blood that trickles down the shallow streets of my kingdom is all my fault! But I refuse to let this be my fault!" Ender grimaced, taking a hallow breathe. 

"This.. is fates twisted fault.."

"Then fuck fate!" I responded, backing up aganist my raggety wall behind me as I covered my face. I've never felt this way before, I've never had a relationship, let alone a soul-mate. 

"Let me help you, Drucilla. You're not like her, you don't have to be.." Ender's quiet footsteps approached me, his hand place on my nee as he began to rub my shoulder. Sympathy leaking from his core. 

"Ender!! You don't understand, she could've been amazing.." I trailed over feeling tears build up in my eyes. Ender's hand softly grabbed my own, caressing it before giving it a soft kiss.

"Drucilla, I'm an orphaned King, living in the shadow of tyrants that I once loved. I understand, let me help you through this." Ender's voice softened, as if he his speech slurred from the heart. I took a brief pause in an attempt to collect my self, reviling myself from my knees.

"I want to help you, my, Drucilla. Let me. Please..?" The King began to beg, as I choked back tears. Grabbing his hands and leaping into his arms as he held me tight. 

"I got you.. you're not alone anymore." His voice oddly comforted  me as I felt tears trickling down my cheeks. 

How could I miss someone so horrible? I had refused to feel anything towards my mothers death, and yet I could only ever think of the good in her once she past. How heavenly she sounded when she sung, that adoring look she gave me when I was young. A look of admiration. She loved me in those moments, even if seconds later she'd remind I was the outcome of her rape. 

I struggled to breath, the thoughts in my mind taking the best of me as I attempted to maintain my composer. 

"M-My mother, did not raise a needy, clingy, whore! She raised a women that did what she must to survive. The same way her mother r-rais..-" I shouted as the King pulled me closer, cooing me and starting to embrace me even tighter. 

"You are, incredible, Drucilla. You're mother.." The man swallowed, taking his pride down with his Adams Apple. "You're mother raised an amazing women."

Maybe soulmates, are real. 

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