The eyes of everyone in the room were now fixed on Octavia, the drama unfolding before us gripping the attention of all present. The implications of her capture and the demands of the Grounders who had brought her here were yet to be fully understood, but it was clear that this was a moment of significance, a turning point that would demand careful navigation. Lexa, despite the initial shock, quickly regained her composure, her gaze shifting from Octavia to the Grounders who had brought her. The room was a tableau of anticipation, everyone waiting for what would come next, for the words and decisions that would shape the outcome of this unexpected and tense situation.

In the closed confines of the meeting room, the air was thick with tension, every word and glance laden with the weight of impending decisions. Semet of Trikru, his plea for justice still hanging in the air, stood as a representation of the pain and anger brewing among the Grounders. Lexa, as Heda, bore the heavy responsibility of balancing the scales of justice and peace, her authority now being called upon to address a crisis that threatened to unravel the fragile unity we had worked so hard to build. As Semet concluded his plea, the room erupted into a chorus of voices. The chant for retribution, "Jus strein jus daun. Death to Skai Kru," was a haunting echo of past cycles of violence, a reminder of the deep-seated traditions that had long governed Grounder society.

Titus's command for respect was a rare moment of order amidst the growing clamor, his voice booming in a bid to restore a semblance of decorum. Despite his own inclinations towards traditional justice, he recognized the need for control in Lexa's court, even if his earlier arguments contributed to the brewing unrest. With the dismissal of the Nightbloods, Lexa led us into the meeting room, a space that had witnessed many such crucial discussions. Her outburst, a rare display of frustration, underscored the gravity of the situation. "How dare you bring this to me on Ascension Day!" she exclaimed, her voice a storm of emotion, betraying the pressure she felt under the weight of her crown. Titus, undeterred, pressed on with his stance, casting blame and responsibility at Lexa's feet. His argument was a stark portrayal of the consequences of our actions and decisions. "I did not bring this here, Heda, you did. Against my advice, you made Skai Kru the 13th clan..." His words were a mix of accusation and a call to action, urging Lexa to see the situation through the lens of Grounder tradition and the need for a strong response.

Turning to me, Lexa sought a different perspective. "Kegan?" she asked, her eyes probing for insights that might offer a path through the quagmire we found ourselves in.

Titus's immediate skepticism of my objectivity was like a verbal challenge, his mistrust clear in his tone and expression. "Kegan's opinion isn't exactly unbiased," he declared, his gaze piercing.

I acknowledged his point, yet offered my view, rooted in my knowledge of my people. "Titus is right, I would do anything to save my people. But I know them, not everyone agrees with Chancellor Pike..." My words were an attempt to convey the diversity within Skai Kru, to argue for a chance to address the issues from within.

Titus's retort was sharp, a reminder of the stark reality of our situation. "Your people didn't vote for Kane!" His frustration was evident, a reflection of the complexity of the decision before us.

My response was an appeal for time and understanding, a belief in the possibility of internal change. "Some of them did. We need to give them time to see that they made the wrong choice," I said, hoping to convey the potential for a peaceful resolution.

Lexa listened, her expression a mix of contemplation and concern. Titus, however, remained adamant, his argument for immediate action a reflection of his fear for the coalition's stability.

The intense discussion was brought to an abrupt pause by Lexa's raised hand, a gesture commanding enough to silence the room. In that moment of stillness, the gravity of the situation was palpable. The decision that lay in Lexa's hands was monumental, a choice that would not only determine the immediate fate of Skai Kru but also set the course for the future of the coalition and the very nature of our society.

Cloaked Heart (Silent Moments Series: Book 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें