You are okay.

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It's 2am. You're at the same place again. Leaning against the countertop, with half-empty bottle of wine and your saddest playlist on. You don't even know when it started this time. The tears are dried on your cheeks and you're feeling the familiar numbness. So empty, emotionless. You feel like there's a person inside your head, screaming at the top of their lungs. You feel so alone.

You take another big sip of wine. You know you shouldn't drink this much on an empty stomach. You know you shouldn't do this, shouldn't do that. But you don't care anymore. What's the point? Next song started playing and you feel like you're sinking again. Like your heart just dropped. Suddenly your cheeks are wet again and you feel like you need to breathe a little slower. A little deeper.

You sit down on the floor, and you hug your legs. You hide your face in your knees and you can feel the material of your trousers getting more and more wet. Breathing is more difficult now. Maybe that's the point?

You try to fight the thoughts in your head, they're not real.

You are enough. No you're not.

You are amazing, empathetic, you help people. You are hopeless, weak and pathetic.

You are gorgeous, beautiful, charismatic. You are disgusting, ugly, fat, attention-seeking.

You want it to stop. You can't bear it no more. You don't even know when you started sobbing. Then you hear knocking. Nothing is important now, so you just ignore it.

"Hey. I know you're in there. I can hear you." You suddenly hear a familiar voice in your head.

"Leave me alone." you say out loud.

"No." voice responds.

"Why would you care?" You ask and your voice breaks. You see a green light and then out of nowhere, Loki is crouching down in front of you, and gently puts his hand on your cheek, wiping the tear with his thumb.

"Because no one deserves to hear these things." He says so quietly. You can see worry in his eyes. "Let me take care of you." He takes your hand and gently pulls you up. "You beautiful thing...What do you need?"

"Just a hug...please..." You shake still and you feel Loki's arms wrap around you. He's gently brushing your hair with his fingers and whispers some calming words.

"It's okay, my sweet. You are okay. Whatever troubles you, will pass...I promise...Breathe with me." You focus on his breath and try breathing with him but you choke up. "Sh, sh, sh...It's okay... slowly. Deep breaths, slowly..." You hold him tight, you don't want him to go. "I'm not going anywhere. You must be tired. Let me see you to your room." He takes you in his arms and next thing you feel is the warmth of your duvet covers and his arms still around you.

"Don't leave." You hold him tighter.

"I don't intend to." He whispers in your ear and slowly pulls you in. "Breathe in...and out...just like that." You feel your body relaxing, and breathing becomes easier with each inhale. "Just like that, my love...Just like that..." He gently caresses your cheek as he watches you fall asleep.

"Thank you..." You whisper and focus on his breath and on his body close to you, so's all are okay.

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