The Beginning!

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We go to when the twins are four years old. The family is walking down the street after grocery shopping, then seemingly four blurs pass them then another two, the parents almost on instinct cover the two boys. A couple of seconds go by and the boys are confused why their parents have tears coming down their face "Why're you crying Kaasan?" Keigo asked, raising an eyebrow. She then smiles down lovingly at her two sons "Me and Daddy are going to go away for a long time" the woman said her voice cracking with every word, "Can we come?" Asashin asked "No, I hope that neither of you come until you're in your late hundreds" she joked her voice barely a whisper. She then talked about how she loved the both of them and was about to tell them about the letters when she fell over, dead. The villagers roaming the street all had about the same feelings of pity, sympathy, horror, with a twinge of sadness, the twins just stayed in the middle of the street sobbing over their lost parents. A couple of weeks later their parents' funeral was held while there they got even more looks of pity, sympathy, and half-assed sadness, the Hokage also expressed his sincerest apology, let the boys live in their parents' house rent free until they were ninja or got jobs, and also carved the names of their parents on the memorial stone. A year later, the twins were finally adjusting to living by themselves and having a constant 24hr watch, while cleaning in their parents' room the duo found the letters and read them out loud.

"Asashin, Keigo, if you're reading this that means me, and your father are no longer around. Before anything else I want you to know how much I love you two so much and I wish I could be there for you and watch you grow up.". Tears were flowing out of the twins and still they read on, "If you found my letter first then know that your fathers' letter is in his dresser, my letter will talk about how to live on your own from cooking to cleaning and I'll also talk about our family." Asashin went and grabbed their fathers' letter before any more reading happened. Their mother talked about the essentials, easy cooking recipes, how to clean properly, and other things and they finally got to the point where she talked about their family. "Our family is spread all throughout the elemental nations, some ninja others just civilians, now the reason I'm talking about this is our clan has a dojutsu called the Synesthetic Eye that only appears in two clan members every ten years. What it does is their eyes can perceive sounds as colors and shapes even if their ears don't pick it up. Of course, this would overwhelm people at first, so they need to train to control it, and they'd have to train their peripherals. With training they could sense if a target is an enemy or not and tell where they are so they can't hide, and if mastered they could accurately predict an opponent's attack, it unlocks itself at the ages of 6-8. This eye is the reason a lot of our family members were such strong ninja.'' The twins practically squealed in excitement. They have the possibility of a strong dojutsu and that made them ecstatic "Did you hear that Asashin? We could be super strong ninja!" Keigo screamed in happiness, Asashin smirked at his brother's antics ''Yes, I heard but we should train and try to get ready for the drawback if we have it." Asashin explained to his twin brother. "Since that's the end of moms' letter let's read dads'" Keigo said a smile plastered on his face, Asashin nodded and began to read the other letter "Hey kiddos, I'm sorry that me and your mother aren't there to tell you guys this in person but, life happened and I'm sorry. But to what I wanted to tell you guys is our family has a history of great shinobi and at the bottom of this letter there's a seal in it contains our families taijutsu, ninjutsu, kenjutsu, and how to train the dojutsu if you want to follow the ninja path, you'll need all that. I love you guys, and I'm proud of you.".

The boys had tears in their eyes but wiped them away and their eyes filled with determination, determination to be ninja, to make their parents proud. The boys scanned the paper and found the seal, they both put their chakra into it and out popped their new training regime. They followed through with the training regime their father laid out until they were 7 and they were sparring. During the spar session Keigo was about to land a roundhouse to his brothers' temple but, in that moment for Asashin a flash of color and shapes filled his vision and something in him told him to move and when he did Keigo missed his roundhouse and his leg hit a tree. While Keigo was distracted with his hurt leg Asashin snuck up on him trying to hit a pressure point on his right arm, however the same thing that happened to Asashin happened to him too and he dodged last second.

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