Chapter 2

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 "Put yourself in threes, as we will test the abilities of the new three; but not only that, take advantage of it to outdo yourself too. That will be six groups of three and one of four. I would choose who will fight who".

Groups are done rather quickly.

"Good, team 1 on 3"

In other words, me, Anna and Sophie versus Mina, the guy with the shiny hair and the girl with the purple hair.

At the start, we stay on our positions while they don't move either. They must want to stay on their guard because they still haven't seen our alters in action.

I head-butt Sophie and she understands easily.

Sophie creates yellow flashes around her and rushes off, she hits the violet's head and flips the glitter-hair.

«This one is weak» whispers to us Sophie by showing the boy.

Indeed, he was already on the ground. We start to rush towards them. The girl with short purple hair attacks first with a cable stretched towards Anna. She ducks to the side and lands straight ahead.

I take care of the guy who has now risen, and projects a ray of light in my direction. Effortlessly, I dodge, left, right. I quickly reach his height, swinging my fist in his face. He flows from the ground, knocked out and holding his belly.

C'est tout ?

Is that all?

Sophie dodges puddles of acid liquid and quickly finds herself on top of her. Before she can move, Sophie swings her foot towards her and shouts:

"Turbo speed!"

Mina bounces off the ground and doesn't move.


Blue electricity forms around her outstretched hand and a flash of lightning goes straight to the girl. She tries to dodge on the side but her foot is hit and she convulses a little and collapses.

Of course, Anna makes sure not to electrify her too much.

She sighs.

"Tch, is that the level?"

The others had frozen on the spot. The fight had not lasted 5 minutes. Sophie redone her ponytail and help mina get up. I adjust my round glasses while I do the same with the guy and he puts a thumb in the air.

"Great fight anyway..."

We'll meet the others on the side.

"You were was quick!"

"It was too manly !"

"Wow, what alters you have there!"

They exclaim for the most part.

A guy with blond hair look at us coldly but I don't pay attention and focus on my comrades.

"You're super agile, Jennie," Mina exclaims against me.

Red hair nodding;

"Yeah, you didn't even have to use your alter!"

I blushed immediately.

"Ah...thank you"

I immediately focus on the next fights, preferring not to spread myself.

These are quite eventful and this activity allows us to know the alters of the whole class. Most are very impressive, like the ice of a certain toda-roki, or midomachin. Some were useful, like that of the frog girl and the control of the gravity of the brunette girl. Or others similar to ours; like lida, which made one think of Sophie's or the one of the guy always angry with Anna's.

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