1. Where it all started

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it all started in a sketchy alley way

Airon's pov

"why is the weather so gloomy?" He thought as he walked out of his current home and turned to an alley way. He was completely in his own peaceful thoughts. Well- that was until-

*Gun shot*

"Wtf?!" He thought before running where the sound came from. He hid beside a trashbin and peeked, trying to locate where the sound he heard came from although.. He couldn't spot anything at first glance, not until hearing voices. He immediately looked where the voice came from and saw a familiar figure talking to someone..

"Yo. I dont care whatever damn method you wanna use. but this is not a damn 'High tech building' where its fucking soundproof. Using a gun will attract people by its loud ass sound!" He heard a boy with dirty blonde hair spoke. Clearly irritated with the other

"Boss.. Im deeply sorry for being unthoughful by using a gun.. I didn't think it would be this loud..!" Someone replied, nervousness clearly indented on their voice. Though, he couldn't see the other person from his current position.

"Welp.. What's done is done i guess.. Just gotta hide before the cops come.."
Another person replied. Also couldn't be seen from his view.

"fine. But i'll be expecting for this not to be repeated. " the boy with dirty blonde hair replied in an taunting tone, making the other two give mumbles of agreement. "Wait.. Isn't that.. The school's so called 'bad boy'?"He whispered. But that didn't go unheard by the boy.

"Hm? What was that.!", The boy with dirty blonde hair turned to his direction making the ravenette boy hide in surprise, still being spotted by the blondie. Who didn't fail to catch the
boy's facial features.

"You two. Go back to main. I just have something quick to deal with and i'll head there right after". The boy with dirty blonde said. Soon enough the two agreed in confusion and followed their leader's order.

"Uhm. - WHY DID HE SEND THE OTHERS SOMEWHERE?!?.. Im getting nervous on what he's about to do next."
He thought before quickly realizing the said boy was out of sight.

"So. Why were you watching us instead of running away ?." He yelped to the sudden voice behind him and turned around, only to see the dirty blonded boy infront of him with a unbearable gaze.

"...." He didn't know how to reply. Still in his shock state.

"Well. We wouldn't want that mouth of yours to tell ANYONE what you saw. Do we?" The boy said. Faking a smile, threats could be seen just enough to shaken him. But still. He didn't speak and stayed quiet. Shaking his head no instead.

"Hm.. You better keep your mouth shut, and maybe i'll let you off with a warning." He then sighed in relief.
"Unless.." With that one word. Airon felt a wave of panick suddenly rushing back to him.

"See ya. Prince." the dirty blonded by said before dissapearing right after. Leaving him clueless and shocked.

"How the hell does he know that.. 'Title'.. I remember only ever mentioning it to the agency..??.. Ugh whatever.. I'll worry about it later. I still have school to attend". He thought before he looked at his watch and emmidiately rushed out of the alley way and headed to school, sprinting. Not expecting what's about to happen next..
Third person pov.
" You're late. Young man. And no, you being a model is not an acception on being late to class. 2 weeks detention." His teacher, miss Lee. Has been hot on his tail lately. But he noticed that she suddenly became more.. Targeting? His mind emmidiately remembered about the boy he interacted earlier and felt shivers down his spine. "is he apart of this?.." He thought. Maybe its just his imagination though.. Well that's what he hopes it is..


After class, he headed to detention. Getting a long lecture from his teacher. Miss Lee, about having to attend to class at 7:30 sharp at the latest. Not noticing stares from unknown beings.
He then took a sit at one of the chairs. Exhausted mentally and physically from earlier events. And it's not even halfway the day. "ugh.. How troublesome.." he thought. Seconds later, someone joined him in detention. Hearing the door. He looked up and saw someone. Not being Miss Lee. "What are you doing here?" He signed, clearly confused. "What?. Am i not allowed to be here? Or do you think that i shouldn't be in the presence of the 'mighty hybrid prince' of burion kurua?" (Burion Kurua is a made up kingdom). The boy from earlier spoke. A smirk evident in his face.

". . ." Airon stayed confused.
"The name's Keisho by the way. Figured i should let you know before anything else happens." The blondie said.
" So.. Are you suggesting that we're gonna be interacting in the future? "
Airon signed yet again. Confused.
"Maybe~ but im pretty sure this would be our last meeting" Keisho said.

Oh boy that wasn't their last meeting.
Keisho kept bothering Airon every chance he got from days which turned to weeks. And weeks gradually turned to months. And Airon was getting sick of it. "Ugh.. Why does he keeps bothering me?! It's like i found out something so damn big that he needs to make sure i keep my mouth shut. . . Well i guess i technically did find something big.. Ugh.. But it's not worth something that big to bother me for so damn long..!!!.. Only if i had something againts him..."with that last thought. An idea sparked up in his mind like a rainbow. Making him gasp and get up from his position. He ran to the dorms. Specifically Keisho's, looking around outside of it, trying to spot anyone in sight that could snitch on him. But luckily no one was in sight and he gave out a loud snicker. Sneaking inside Keisho's dorm after lock picking the lock with his hairpin. Not expecting what he's about to find out next.
As he entered. He looked around to see if anybody was home. Looking forward soon after.
"Hey! What are you-" Keisho said before getting interrupted.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH"Airon screamed. Leaving Keisho amused. It was Keisho's first time hearing Airon again after months of teasing him. "Seems like you're quite a loud one ey? ~" Keisho said.

"You-!! Why do you have so many damn pictures of me in your dorm..?!"Airon replied. Nothing could ever describe his emotions right now.

"Ehh? Am i not allowed to have some innocent pictures of someone i deeply care about?" Keisho replied with a smirk.

"Look. Over these past months i noticed you were.. Quite interesting.. So how about you go out with me ^^" Keisho said casually.

"EHHH??!?!?" Airon let out. If he wasn't confused earlier. He was completely out of braincells to connect the words Keisho had just said.

"Oh.. Lemme rephase that. Go out with me or die" Keisho said with a smile.

"I'll- go out with you.. I guess?" Airon muttered. Dumbfounded.
"What's that? I couldn't hear youuuu~. Did you choose death?" Keisho said. Teasingly.

"I said i wanna go out with you!!" Airon yelled out frantically..

"Good choice." Keisho said. Looking pleased as ever.

What will happen next? Find out soon!

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