The 2-Fluffy-balloons

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Sarah is loving her new Fox Balloon and Luther loves it too,
Luther then said to Sarah L: "Sarah since I'm a balloon, you'll also be a balloon" and revealed another air hose placed in a auto pump, Sarah tries to get away but Luther grabs her by the arm and shoves the hose up Sarah's butt, the purple hedgehog blushed immediately and Luther turned the auto-pump on, the air was traveling at a tremendous rate and Sarah's butt started to inflate and also her breasts, She then loses her balance and fell to the floor then she started to feel like she was being lifted up but it was actually her stomach but her breasts overpowered her belly and getting more huge than Luther's butt, she said while panting S: "You, y'know Luther, I never knew my boobs would get this big" Luther then thought she had enough so he turned off the pump. Sarah was enjoying her breasts bouncing around like bouncy balls, Luther looked at her satisfied, he never knew she could hold all that air. Sarah was also enjoying her big-fat butt, She also like her belly just showing under her huge breasts, Together the 2 loved being big and fluffy at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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