Chapter VII. New Allies

Start from the beginning


Lyanna POV

In Harrenhal, I sit on the throne, in my right Ser Harwin Strong as my personal guard and Lord Commander of the army. On my left Reagan stands at the future Lord to Harrenhal. Next to Reagan Arthur Lannister is standing as consort replacing Jaime Lannister in his absence.

Morgaena Strong, Laela, and Gwen Greystark sit at a high table flanked by a guard and a maester. Viserys Targaryen watching us from the secret door. Lord Lyonel Dondarrion and two other men enter. Some guards close the doors behind them.

The three men "Your Grace"

I say "Welcome to Harrenhal."

The two men look at Lyonel. Lyonel nods "Your Grace, you knew me I am Lord Lyonel Dondarrion Lord of Blackhevan and Ser Royce Storm is a messenger from Nightsong and Ser Jon Mertyns is a messenger from Mistwood"

Jon Mertyns says "I remember when you were a child as a squire to your father, your grace. You were named for your Aunt Lyanna. She was a great beauty and you too."

I say "You flattered me but I do not care about the great beauty, Ser Jon"

Royce Storm says "I served under your father at King Robert's rebellion, Queen Lyanna. He was a great warrior and an honourable man. In fact___"

I interrupt him "I appreciate this talk so What are you here?"

Lyonel says "Stannis Baratheon garrisoned at Castle Black before he marched on Winterfell and was killed. He sent a raven about a letter Ser Arthur wrote to him when he petitioned for men. It said___"

I give Arthur a Look "I remember what it said."

Arthur stands "Harrenhal is a separate kingdom that will not belong to any king, whether north or south. Under the protection of the King Lion of Lannister, and the red queen, until Lord Strong receives it."

They look at Reagan. Lyonel says "The Stormlands are divided and you have Tarth. We need your support now more than ever."

Royce Storm says "And we need support to make Stormlands one again under Lord Dondarrion's command"

Jon Mertyns says "We've come to ask for House Strong's allegiance."

I stare at the three men and look at Harwin. I lean towards Harwin and we whisper to each other "What do you think?"

Harwin says "If Jaime was here would take this chance, They will not support Tommen so take the Stormlands"

I turn to Reagan "What do you think Lord Strong?"

Reagan says "A great deal we will not make it fly away, your grace"

I give Arthur Look.

Arthur says "Do it"

I look at the three ladies and they nod. I look at the window where Viserys hiding and watching us. Viserys nods.

I turn back to face Lyonel and the two Sers "As far as I understand, you came to allies but did not you support King Tommen Baratheon"

Lyonel says "We had to do to survive, my queen. And you are a Stark. Understand what Baratheon and Stark were as allies for the past years. And Lannister is the one rules now not King Tommen and after the allies with the Great sept, that mean the king is weak."

I say "I understand and I will always be a Stark. But you don't just want my allegiance. You want my fighting men."

Royce Storm says "Tommen Baratheon cannot be allowed to keep the realm, my queen. It is my duty to protect Stormslands after King Stannis's death and you are the best option after the divorce from Ser Jaime Lannister."

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