Extra 4 "Mr. Fu is a little unhappy today"

Start from the beginning

    Fu Jing has always had a strange obsession with drying clothes on the balcony. When he first moved to Shuncheng, he and Tang Ning looked at several houses, and finally chose the one with the largest balcony.

    Now that she is about to move to a new home soon, Fu Jing has complained about her reluctance several times.

    Fu Xiaoyu deliberately sat on the small plastic chair under the clothes rail with a straight face. He did not hide his displeasure, pursed his mouth, and looked fierce.

    Xu Jiale sat next to him, carefully peeled off the skin of the purple grape, and then fed it to Omega's mouth.

    Fu Xiaoyu turned her head, hesitated for a second, but finally opened her lips.

    Xu Jiale then moved his body closer together with Putao -

    he gently kissed Fu Xiaoyu's cheek.

    That sudden kiss made Fu Xiaoyu's eyes widen, and she ate the grapes whole.

    The night sky in Shuncheng is pitch black, and in the distance are the lights of thousands of families.

    At the moment of the kiss, the gust of wind blew Fu Jing's apple-green sheets and clothes above their heads.

    "Fu Xiaoyu,"

    Xu Jiale kissed so much that he couldn't get enough of it, but he continued to speak nonchalantly, "I'm asking you, is it exciting to box with

    Han Jiangque?" "Ah?" Fu Xiaoyu hadn't reacted at all.

    "Just a few days ago, when I was in the United States, didn't we make an appointment to go for a run together at night?"

    Xu Jiale paused, and continued: "But I didn't run for a few days, and you said it was to go to Hanjiang Que to drive ?" I played in the boxing gym."

    "Uh." That

    's what happened.

    Fu Xiaoyu went from being completely ignorant to gradually realizing a little bit of understanding, but she was still not sure, so she looked at Xu Jiale seriously with those light brown cat eyes.

    This Omega with its head slightly tilted like this is too cute, after thinking for a long time, finally tentatively, asked softly: "Xu Jiale, are you jealous of Han Jiangque?"


    Xu Jiale peeled off Putao narrowed his eyes, he had actually put his tone very casually just now.

    But maybe the sour smell that has been lingering for several days since the beginning of the United States finally overflowed a little.

    How to answer.

    Xu Jiale put the whole grape into his mouth in deep thought, but he didn't think of a countermeasure yet.

    But when he was thinking carefully, Fu Xiaoyu couldn't wait any longer.

    Fu Xiaoyu suddenly moved her face closer, her eyes were round and bright: "Are you really jealous of Han Jiangque?"

    He was obviously a little excited, even... a little happy, his fair face was flushed .

    Oh shit.

    Of course Xu Jiale could guess this reaction, he is so good at dealing with this Omega, because he loves him so much, so he is even more good at it.

    Admitting jealousy, or being jealous of Princess Han, who can't be called any real threatening object at all, is completely unfashionable, unsophisticated, and even a bit embarrassing.

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