An older and tough looking woman came and dragged the maid out of the dining room.

"First Miss, help me...." The maid begged. However, she shut up her mouth as she saw both of her masters, Mu Yian and Mu Li Zei stared at her. By sending some kind of message like 'Shut up your mouth. Otherwise, I will kill you.'

The maid was silent being dragged by the Nanny Su. Yu Qi sighed. The maid would be punished badly.

"I want to leave first." Yu Qi said.

"Miss Tang, if you want to change your clothes, you can use one of our room and if you don't have any change of clothes, you can use mine before we cleaning your clothes. I'm sure it would not have a long time." Mu Yian tried to suggest.

"No need. I already have an appointment. The clothes, I will get change in my hotel room. You don't need to worry." Yu Qi rejected it.

"But..." Su Yu Qing felt bad to see her guest in this state since it was their maid's fault.

"Mrs Mu. Don't worry. Well, then, I will leave first." Yu Qi just walked away without worrying about their answer.

As Yu Qi walked, she was laughing at the situation. That family wanted her to stay at their house. They must be planning something. It must begin with the maid just now.

They must be angry as their plan to make Yu Qi stayed at their house had failed. Sorry, she would not be obeying them. Yu Qi walked to her rental car.

She rentals the car because it was hard to get a taxi in this area. She had already experienced it. So, she did not want to experience it again.

Since her clothes were stained with the bean soup, Yu Qi wanted to check in to the hotel, cleaning up before going to see Grandpa Su.

Chapter 632 - 632: Followed By People

Yu Qi stayed at Fanghai Nation only for two days. After returning from Mu House, Yu Qi went to see the construction site of the greenhouse. After the worker had reported the work to her, Yu Qi returned to her hotel.

As for the night, Yu Qi went to see her grandfather. As the pair of daughter and father were already suspecting her, they had sent someone to follow her. They had been following her since she had left the house.

However, Yu Qi managed to trick the people and they lost her. She would do the same thing. She could not let them know that she was related to them because once they knew it, Grandpa Mu's life might be in danger.

Even though she had already protected him from the poison, they might use others trick to harm Grandpa Mu. So, she wanted to avoid that situation as possible as she could.

Yu Qi used her space to trick the people. She went to the supermarket to use the toilet to enter her space. She used the changing clothes trick to lose the people.

But this time, she would combine the trick with another thing. Bo Ya reminded her that she had something that could change what people wanted to see.

For example, the people wanted to find Yu Qi, they would not find it when Yu Qi let them smell the mist. It was similar to the hallucination serum.

Yu Qi changed her style after getting out of her space. She already recognised the men who were following her before. She boldly walked in front of the men and released the mist.

The two men stopped her because she had just walked out of the toilet. They seemed to learn the lesson after getting tricked by Yu Qi last time.

"Miss, can you take off your mask? I want to look at your face." The man asked.

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