"We should see if eyebags knows anything," Katsuki stated.

"I'm so sick of you and the nicknames,"


Izuku sat crisscrossed in his seat as the teachers explained what was going to happen now. They had just chalked it up to hormonal teenagers fighting. They had those who fought moved to separate rooms and would be staying there until they got to the bottom of why they acted that way.

After that, they'll be dealt with it accordingly, in the meantime, everyone will be moving on to the quirk training and such. As the meeting ended the group stayed seated and talked amongst themselves as they waited for everyone else to leave.

1-A paused, "You guys coming? We have to get ready for training," Uraraka asked.

"We have to talk to Sensei, just go ahead without us," Shinso said before going back to his conversation.

"Oh uh alright then,"

They all looked at each other before leaving as Ms. Joke made her way over to them, "Hi Midoriya, looks like your hero costume came on time. Why don't you go get ready, do you know where the locker rooms are?" She asked.

Izuku nodded and got up making the others stand too, "I don't need help,"

"Are you sure?" Shindo frowned.

Izuku nodded, "I can't always depend on you, I want to try doing things on my own," he looked down a bit.

Shindo smiled, "Alright, you remember how to call for me?"

"I do,"

"Ok good,"

Izuku left while the others stayed back to discuss something with their head teachers. He looked at the plaques on the wall before finding the one for the male locker room.

He entered the room and started looking around for his name, luckily it seemed like most people have already left. He finally found his locker and opened it to see his costume with a note saying they hoped he liked it.

"Hey isn't that him?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, it is,"

"Excuse me,"

Izuku turned to see Katsuki and Shinso's classmates, "We just wanted to know if you knew why Kat and Toshi aren't hanging with us,"

Izuku knew this was coming sooner or later, "Sorry, it's probably because of me, I didn't mean to horde them from you," He signed.

They looked confused and Koda quietly translated it for them making them oh.

"No, it's fine we're just confused, those two aren't really the friendly type so we were surprised to see them so close to someone," Eijiro said with a nervous laugh.

"Kacchan's probably just worried about me, I don't really know why Shinso chose to stay with us,"


"Katsuki," Izuku restated.

They looked a little surprised, "He lets you call him that?! How close are you?!" Denki said a little too loud.

"We grew up together,"

"Oh, so you're like childhood friends?" Izuku nodded.

"Wait you said he was worried about you? Why if you don't mind me asking?" Sero asked.

"I don't know, maybe because he couldn't see me in the hospital,"

They seemed to realize something, "So that's why Kat was mad he couldn't go to the hospital. You must be Deku then?" Sero asked.

"My name is Midoriya, he just calls me that,"


"I need to get ready now,"

"Oh right, sorry for all the questions,"

"It's fine,"

He began to undress and the males in the room couldn't help but notice how odd his body looked. His skin was on the grayer side and he had a black pattern wrapping around his body from head to toe.

But the thing that stood out the most was what seemed to be what looked like whip marks on his back along with other healed injuries that looked like they came from beatings.

Izuku finished getting dressed and left the room, everyone quickly looking away as he turned around. The others were outside the door when he opened it, Shindo was in his costume but the others weren't.

"Oh it turned out nice," Shindo smiled.

"Damn I'm kinda jealous I didn't come up with something like that," Shinso whistled.

"I like it," Was all Katsuki said as he patted Izuku's head.

Izuku couldn't smile so he just bounced a little to show that he was happy that they liked his costume. The other two went to get changed while Izuku and Shindo went ahead to meet with Aizawa. Once they entered the room he made his way over, meeting them halfway.

"I was about to come looking for you," Aizawa told them.

"Sorry, I had trouble figuring out how to put on the mask,"

Aizawa cracked an ever-so-small smile, "It's alright, can you tell me about your quirk?"

"I haven't figured out what it is yet but I can tell you what I learned about it," Izuku told him.

"Anything will help,"

"I think it feeds off my negative emotions? I don't know, the more angry or scared I am the stronger I get. I get even stronger if it comes from other people rather than myself,"

"Is that why you almost collapsed yesterday?" Shindo interrupted.

Izuku nodded, "I think so, I felt so much negative energy but it was way too much and I couldn't use it so it overwhelmed me,"

"Use it?" Aizawa asked.

"I can use the energy I get from bad emotions and form it into weapons," Izuku told him.

"I see, can you form anything at any time or only when around negative emotions," Aizawa wondered.

"Anytime, I'm always anxious or angry...it's a lot more intense now though. It might be my quirk," Izuku shrugged.

"Always?" Aizawa said a bit concerned.

"Well, he was quirkless before this so people were always bullying and harassing him," Shindo clicked his tongue.

"Our society is a mess," Aizawa mumbled "Alright let's start with something simple,"

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