Neteyam stopped them, motioning a large group of warriors to them. In front, was one familiar to the group. He was the one who dropped Neteyam off at the reef.
"Efio, tell the warriors these people are protected."

The warrior nodded, jogging off deep into the woods. His friends following him move for move.

They walked until they reached the end of a pathway. Two huts, bigger than the others side by side. A clothing net connecting the two with a wooden table under it.

Neteyam led them inside, soon smiling as a older women walked out from her part of the hut, her arms pulling him into her.
"Hello Nonna."

Aonung recognized the name, his grandmother Mo'at.
Neteyam pulled away at an arms distance, turning her to the group.

All the Sully's ran to her, sharing a long-awaited embrace. Even Netiryi shed a few tears.

They finally separated, Mo'at eyeing the new guests.
She walked to Tonowari and Ronal, placing a hand on their shoulders.
"I thank you for their shelter."

The two nodded, giving her a small smile.
She pulled Tsireya into a hug, whispering something in her ear. Causing Lo'ak to smirk as his love blushed.

Aonung tensed as Mo'at came to him, quickly turning to her oldest grandson.
"You chose good child. Your children will have strong genes."

Neteyam groaned, hanging his head.
"And it begins.."


The families sat around the bigger hut, enjoying a calm after a large dinner and multiple reunions.
Soon, the whole clan had come to see the families. Giving them welcomes and thanks.

Jake looked around, passing a smile to his son.
"You did well. It looks good here."

Mo'at smiled as she held Tuk in her lap, enjoying her families company.
"Of course. Neteyam made quick work."

Netiryi nodded at her son's praise, a smile on her face.
"How long has it been this way?"

"Neteyam moved us withing weeks. Weeks before he left us is when peace came."
Mo'at summarized, not knowing Neteyam hadn't told them it was safe for him to return so long ago.

Lo'ak turned towards his brother, his ears moving at every sound.
"Wait, you could've come back? Why didn't you?"

Neteyam closed his eyes, looking back to his grandmother who only seemed pleased.
"Would you like to continue your story?"

Mo'at smiled, throwing a bead to Neteyam in a playful manner.
"It is true he could've returned sooner than he did, but, he was very set on training the warriors. I had talked to him for weeks about his departure."

Aonung pulled at his necklace, not knowing what to say.
He knew Neteyam's duty was important to him, but it was different once he saw it.

Ronal shook her head, moving her eyes in Neteyams direction.
"It does not matter now, all that does is he returned. Safe and sound."

Neteyam smiled, thankful for her words.
Allowing a new conversation to spark, instead of one that would lead to an argument.


"C'mon, you've been here for three weeks and you still refuse!" Lo'ak exclaimed, pushing Rotxo's shoulder.

They were hunting, observing the new groups progress.

Tsireya was the quickest learner, picking it up fast. Surprising them all as she was not trained a warrior back home.
Aonung had trouble at first, at almost everything, but with patience his tasks became easier.

Angel's Return (A Neteyam and Aonung Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now