I sighed and petted my brother's head, "Colin. You need to be tough now. I won't be here to sneak you cookies at night."

"I won't let you go! If you aren't here who is gonna protect me from Zola!" His eyes were beginning to tear up. 

I felt my chest become heavier. "Zola won't do anything."

"What about Jenna and Finley?! They are still here!" I crouched, forcing to Colin stop hugging me. 

"You can't be scared of them. Do you hear me, Colin? They are like wolves, they can smell fear." Colin looked at me with his beady black eyes. This was unfair. "I'll go out, fight, and be back before you know it for vacation. Trust in your big bro."

"I've never seen you fight before!" Colin sniffled and shrunk. I put my hands on his shoulder and put my forehead against his. 

"C'mon Colin, you're sounding like a real coward." He glared at me and pouted. He reeled back his head and hit me with it.

"I'm not a coward! I'm very brave!"

I smiled and got up, "Good. Then you won't have to fear wolves."

With my small bag of things, I walked through the storage house that we called home. 

I opened the door and saw my mother waiting for me. She had black eyes and hair. 

Zola was only my stepmother. She was my father's official wife. My mother was my father's lover and someone he actually loved. She spread her arms and wrapped them around me warmly.

"You better come back." I could hear the strain in her voice. I pulled out of the hug and smiled at her. 

"Don't worry mom. I'll become a great soldier, and with the money I get we'll send Colin to school." Her eyes got watery as she nodded. 

"I see where Colin gets all that crying from now." At the edge of the island was a flying ship waiting for me. "You guys are acting like I won't come back. Just wait and see. I'll be back soon enough."

I looked at the islands floating around and smiled, "The islands are floating. Just as usual." 


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The roars of monsters caught me off-guard. I dragged several of my fellow soldiers through the woods. 

"Damn it, just leave me here." I heard one of my comrades say. 

I shushed him, we had to be as quiet as possible. I took cover among one of the many trees and placed my comrades on the tree next to mine, only one of them was conscious. They had thick bodies so they could easily hide us. I peeked out of it and looked at what was chasing us. 

A large bipedal wolf with blood around its lips, dripping and dissolving with its drool as it growled. It had a sword poking out of its back. It walked like the sword wasn't inside its back. It sniffed the air twice and looked in our direction. 

Mob no LongerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora