Part 1

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Lucy pov

It had officially been a month without my parents. An orphanage had taken me in a few weeks ago and I made friends with my new roommate Jorgeous. She is pretty short compared to me but she's very nice and funny. When I woke up today Jorgeous was already up sitting in her bed stoning a dance costume. She had been dancing for years and that's kind of what we bonded over. I've been a ballet dancer since I was 5. A few years later I started with hip hop aswell. Sometimes we would play music and just dance to it in our room.

I have been watching drag race for almost 7 years now and my favorite queens are definitely Daya Betty or Bosco but I honestly just love the whole cast of season 14. My biggest dream is to attending a dragcon but I've never gotten the chance to.

Today my contact person Anita told me a man was coming to the orphanage. She has told me this so many times at this point I don't even get dressed up anymore. I usually just sit in my bed until Anita forces me out.

———(time skip)———

Anita knocked on my door.
- "its time to come out honey", she said. I went out of my bed with my phone still in my hand. Instagram was open and I was scrolling through Daya's stories. It was mostly just pictures of her mug. Little did I expect to meet exactly that mug when I came out of my room. She was so smiley and beautiful and then there's me in grey sweatpants and a hoodie. My face immediately went bright red and I felt my anxiety starting to build up. I felt my hands shaking and I felt really lightheaded.
-"Hi!, I'm Daya, what's your name?" Her voice made my heart bounce. She talked softly and I felt a little more comfortable. She patted the seat next to her on the couch me and Jorgeous always played Mario kart on. I sat down and we chatted. Every time we made eye contact I felt like I was gonna pee myself. It all went very well but I never have high hopes.

——— a few days later ———

-"Lucy darling you have a visitor" Anita said as she came in to me and Jorgeous's
room. I found it very strange since I don't really have any friends outside the orphanage. When I went out I was once again met by Daya's smiley face. I was so shocked.
-" Wha- what are you doing here?" I asked her. She smiled looking at Anita.
-"I would like to ask you how you feel about coming with me to Chicago" she said. My heart stopped. Was this really happening? I got tears in my eyes. God I hate crying in front of people.
-"I would love that" I said almost jumping up and down.

——— the next day ———

-"I'm really gonna miss you" Jorgeous said. My heart hurt every time I thought about not living with Jorgeous anymore.
-" I'll come visit I promise, we have to keep contact" I said closing my bag with my clothes. Anita came in and told me to say my goodbyes and that we are leaving for the airport. I moved my bags to the door. I didn't want to make my goodbyes too emotional. I hugged Jorgeous tightly, tears streaming down my face. Me and Anita walked out of the door towards the black car that was going to take me to the airport. I hugged Anita's long thin figure. She hugged me back and I went into the car. At this point I was sobbing. I didn't know how I was supposed to make it without Jorgeous.

Before I knew it I was sitting on the plane and it took off. I had a full row all by myself. Tears were still falling from my eyes. I tried sleeping but my anxiety was keeping me awake. I watched some drag race and all of a sudden I was in Chicago. I stepped off the plane into the airport looking around to find Daya. She saw me first and went up to me. My heart jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
-"you ready to go?" She said smiling down at me. I nodded slightly still feeling a little intimidated by her.

(At Daya's house)
We went into the house and I was immediately overwhelmed. My autism has always affected me so I have a hard time with strong emotions. We walked a little further into the house and she had her arm around my shoulders. She always made sure that I was alright and squeezed my hand when I felt overwhelmed.

We ate dinner a little later and then I went to sleep. It has been a long day and I couldn't wait for tomorrow. Before I fell asleep I made sure to text Jorgeous.

Goodnight Jorgie, miss you already❤️

Goodnight Lu Lu, please come back❤️❤️

A/n: helloooooo. I'm so obsessed with Daya at this point she deserves her own story.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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