' The Infinite Sea and The Ship.'

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' Time is alone without Space, for that life won't be at place.'


Light rain fell down on the ground, Sobs of familiars around hear.
A Graveyard.
A tombstone.
Someone who had died.
Someone who knew why,
Someone who actually cared.
Someone who actually knew my sufferings.

' ---- '
- ' A proud friend, Co-worker, Detective and follower of the country.'-
- ' 1992-2022 ' -

' It was your fault.'

You gasped, Opening your eyes adjusting to the light.
" A nightmare? " You thought to yourself.

You noticed you were in one of the rooms of the ship, It looked like it would be from the 1900's.

" You're finally awake. " A man entered from the door infront, He had silky brownish hair,Golden eyes, Light brown beard which had been recently trimmed. He was wearing an old black long coat and an white shirt underneath, He looked like he would be the captain of the ship.

" Who-?" You questioned, looking dead straight into his eyes. To be real, you were actually thankfull to meet another person after so long.

" Arthur, Arthur Grey. I'm The captain of this Ship." He greeted himself.

" Nice to meet you- "

" Same goes, Anyways if you have energy to stand up, Come with me you must be hungry."
You thought he was suspicious, Why would someone, a captain especially help out a random person who appeared on his ship.

" You coming? " He asked once more,snapping you from your train of thought.

It's better to follow him anyways.

You stood, getting yourself together as you followed the man who now exited the room, and into the great halls of the ship.

You looked around amazed.

As you moved further and further from the room, a great dining hall would be seen with people with masks, men with great suits and The ladies with huge expensive dresses.

You were confused yet fascinated at the same time.

" Go find yourself a place to sit, I'll send someone to give you food."

" Very well- " you did so as the distance between the man and you increased. Finally finding an empty  table to sit at.

You sighed and went back to deep thinking.

You turned to look around, noticing one couple, The Man seemed like he was quite angry and the lady was at the bridge of crying.
You pitied them, remember how it felt loosing someone close to you... Maybe this is heaven-? Maybe i died while sleeping..who knows.


- 407 words.

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