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The whole Raizada, Gupta and Jha family stood in the huge hall of RM with some glaring at the man who was recovering from the brutal attack on him.

Shyam opened his eyes and found himself on the couch with Arnav glaring at him with his arms folded as if he was about to murder him and he gulped down he lump in his throat.

He looked around and found Payal staring at him in disgust whilst holding Akash who looked ready to to bounce on him back and he was mirroring Arnav's expression.

Nani and Mami threw a disgusted glare at him while they consoled a crying Anjali.

He turned and found Khushi standing with Shashi and Kamala and his eyes teared up seeing her looking shaken up she has became.

He was filled with regret and guilt for making her suffer again.

He didn't want this to be the outcome of his confession but if this was God's  way of being punished for his crimes then he accepts it wholeheartedly with challenge.

A loud slap resounded in the hallway of the mansion and Shyam held his abused cheek as he stared into the eyes of Nani who was almost on the verge of crying.

"What didn't we give you that you have to betray us like this?....... You decieved this family and the Guptas and I don't blame them for hiding the truth because we have all been conditioned to see the good in you and would have probably accused them in our defense of you. " Nani cried out and Shyam realised he has been exposed and he sighed ready to accept his punishment.

"Correction Dadi. " Akash exclaimed walking up to Nani as all eyes turned to him. "You and Maa were conditioned to see the only the delusional truth and good in him which you two have carved into your brains but we have always been suspicious of him from the being but each time we tried to have a background check on him, you supported Anjali's stands of not wanting one, supported her in her hunger strikes and silent treatments against us........ We were concerned about her wellbeing and yet we were made the villains of her fairytale romance....... Stop dragging us into your delusional perception of Shyam Manohar Jha. "

Nani and Mami felt ashamed and looked away unable to look him in the eyes as the remembered how they had chastised both him and Arnav for wanting a background check on Shyam and forced them to accept Anjali living in RM and not her husband's house.

"Nani I want a divorce now...... I can't stay with such a disgusting man and I don't want my baby to be anywhere near him....... I want him out and no one must speak to him ever again." Anjali cried out and Nani and Mami consoled her and she rejoiced seeing Nani and Mami consoling her.

"You are so stupid Shyam...... Your list for Khushi has now exposed you but see the outcome, Nani and Mami are back to me and very soon chote and Akash will join them and I will soon use this thing in my stomach to get rid of the Gupta sisters for good...,... You downfall is now my up raising. " Anjali thought rejoicing internally while crying in Mami's arms and enjoying Nani caressing her hair.

Shyam stared at Anjali with pity which confused most of them who understood his expression.

"Enjoy your victory now but very soon, you will be joining me and I will bring you down....... I may go to jail  it you will also join me soon and I will do anything to get you away from my baby..... You wait and watch. " Shyam thought staring at Anjali.

"Bhai let's call the police and hand him over to them. " Akash said glaring at Shyam who smiled and nodded his head which confused the men more because they didn't expect such a reaction from him.

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