53) 10K Special

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Hi everyone! This is a 10K Special for my book Camp Cretaceous Memes! Enjoy!

Yasmina: Sammy, a book about us has got 10k reads.

Sammy: 10k! Wow, that's awesome!

Brooklynn: We should throw a party!

Kenji: It's like we're famous! 

Brooklynn: But it's not only your book, you know. Some of us play very important parts in the book too.

Ben: And anyway, my life is more interesting than yours! I bet if there was a book just about me, it would have a million reads by now. Like, what I did all that time after a fell of the monorail.

Kenji: Bro, if you're so jealous, just ask the readers themselves who's the best out of all of us!

Ben: Ugh, fine. I will, but we all know it's me. So, who do you all think is the best out of all of us? Leave an answer in the comments and it better be me or I will personally break into your house and-

Darius: Is there no one else concerned that there's a book documenting our life?!

Darius: ...

Darius: Just me? Okay. Yay! Let's have a party and celebrate people stalking us 'cause that's totally normal.

Sammy: Darius, I understand yah, but to be fair, our very own fan base does sound quite cool. I'll help with the party!

Darius: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Camp Cretaceous Memes : Crazy For MemesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant