Chapter 21: Firsts

Start from the beginning

Hunter can tell Lilith is crying when she replies, "I'm not. I just don't know where you can go...."

"I'll be OK. I was a coven scout, and there's a network of us already taking care of each other. Don't worry. It'll be alright."

He hears footsteps and hurries back to the bedroom, wondering what he just heard. In the morning, nothing seems out of the ordinary, and he is once again seen off by all four of the adults in his household.

Hunter's second day at Hexside is equally tiring, but he feels slightly less lost as he fumbles his way through the day with the help of his friends. After, instead of returning home, they head to Latissa. Hunter rides with Willow, sitting close behind her, his arms around her waist, his cheek resting against the back of her shoulder as he fights the urge to nap mid-flight. Luz snuggles with Amity in the same way. Willow, watching them and feeling Hunter leaning against her, fully understands what the others must be thinking about her and Hunter's relationship. Instead of protesting, telling him to sit up, or worrying about it, she smiles, content with her decision.

As they get close to Latissa, she calls back to him, "Wake up, sleepyhead – we're almost there."

"I'm awake," he replies, "Just comfortable."

"And while I appreciate that, my dads are going to be at this meeting and unless you want to answer a few questions, you might want to sit up. I'm fine, either way – I'll leave that choice to you."

Hunter reluctantly straightens and slights back a little, his hands now resting against the back of her shoulders, "Is that better?"

"It's not about better," she answers, "I'm fine with the way you were. It's about if you want to try to explain us to them today or not."

"Yeah...not really," he says.

"OK. It's not like they haven't already been asking,, it's different when they're just asking me at home. I want to make sure you're OK."

He smiles, "Thanks, Captain."

"You're always welcome, Hunter."

The teens descend and join the others in the C.A.T.s headquarters. Willow, Gus, and Amity's parents are present; along with Camila, Eda, and Lilith; Edric and Emira; and all members of the C.A.T.s. Principal Bump arrives as everyone is settling in around the table.

Hunter leans over to Amity, "What's going on? Usually it's not everyone at once."

Amity shakes her head, "I don't know. Dad wouldn't say – just that this is important and we all needed to be here and to pay attention."

"That's...not encouraging," he says.

"I know. I'm scared, too," she says, resting her hand on his shoulder, "But if it's something wrong, well...we're in the best place we can be to figure out how to make things better. And we're together."

Principal Bump is the first to speak, "I'm sorry I was a bit late. I have a few students who were unable to attend, yet who are insistent they be a part of whatever plans we make. So I had to assure them we would include them going forward and also make sure they actually did go home to their parents instead of sneaking here."

Darius nods, "Understood. We'll make sure to account for that. But at the same time, we need to remember that our kids shouldn't have to be soldiers."

Principal Bump nods in return, "And I understand that. But if we don't find ways to make these particular young people feel as though they have a place in this, they'll make their own...just like the ones at this table undoubtedly also will." He nods to the teens sitting together to his right.

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