Did you make a heartbreak playlist?

No, I just put my whole music library on shuffle.

Look I'll even skip a few songs for you to see.

*skips to next song*

Oh shit.

Happier than ever...

I swear it's on shuffle.

*skips to next song*

Alright, this isn't helping my case.

Drivers license.

What the fuck.

*skips to next song*


End this L.O.V.E....

Okay one last try I swear it has to be a happy song after all of these sad ones.

*hits skip a final time*

Alright I give up.

Ah yes because my song WRONG DIRECTION is so happy.

I really shoulda stopped at Happier than ever.

Do you only listen to songs about heartbreak?

No, but apparently that's what my apple music thinks I want to hear.

To be fair I have spent every Valentine's Day that I can remember alone.

*looks at y/n funny*

So I can't blame apple for knowing I need to not think about love around this time of the year.


You've never celebrated a Valentine's day?

Nope, not a single valentines.


Did we do something for Valentine's last year?

Am I digging myself even further into a grave?

No I can't be.

We were friends the year before last.

And I can't remember if we did anything last year, which sounds worse as I say it aloud.

I swear we did something, and this is just making me look bad.

Did I forget how I spent my first Valentine's with a girlfriend...


No what?

You don't look bad.


 I literally can't remember us doing anything.

You clearly do and are taking pity on me.

Which thank you but you can also be mad at me.

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