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24 years later:

1 year ago, they found the portal. 1 year. Exactly 24 years ago they left that excuse for a country. Though that also means 24 years they've spent alone. After a month they saw hallucinations and heard voices. After 3 months the hallucinations and voices got more apparent. After a year they made friends with them. Each hallucination had its own personality. After 10 years, they had 12,537 hallucinations each with voices. Nowadays they barely hear from them. They thought the portal helped them. Of course that wasn't the case. Turns out this realm wasn't abandoned, it was created. They entered the realm as soon as it opened. That could also mean they created this world by accident. Though that doesn't mean they can control everything, it just means the world created when they arrived.

They woke up, their legs ached as well as their head. They slowly got up from their worn-out bed and went downstairs. It smelt like ashes, recently there was a fire in their house. How it happened was unknown. They walked outside. The melting snow crunched, like bones or paper crumpling. It was still cold, but the sun was just melting the snow.

They quickly took out an ax and headed towards the trees. Doing their daily chores, they felt a presence. Not like a stalking one, but as if someone was here, in this realm. They shrugged it off and went back to work

Few hours passed and they gathered all the resources and placed it into a neat pile. They eventually walked home to grab a mug of cawffee, bird seeds and hot water. The cawffee was in the process of being made, so they had a good 2 minutes to themself. Once the cawffee was done, the machine chimbed. They picked up their mug and drank the cawffee. It was warm, it certainly had an effect, despite how cold it was outside. They walked towards a window and looked outside. It was calm, clean. The sun was beginning to set over the horizon. They walked away from the window and went outside. It was still cold. They stood out on the porch and looked at the sky. Stars were starting to be more visible. For once, the horizon never felt so calm. In the distance, crows called to one another. Some were flying around the air. Like Iceberg, the ground was still covered in snow. Either a ton or a small amount. That's kind of why they lived in the arctic, not only are they used to it, it makes them feel comfortable.

They took a long sip of their drink, just to savor the moment. Birds began to fly, a whole flock. The earth felt as though it was beginning to shake. Moments later the earth began to shake, like an earthquake. Quickly Willø ran inside. Their mind ran, thinking of anything that was fragile. They reached across the room to grab glass bottles, potions, and enderpearls.  Suddenly, the shaking stopped.

"What on earth was that?" They asked themself.

That never happened before. Never. Throughout the years they spent there, that was the first time. They thought for a moment. Thoughts overlapping thoughts. Only one thing that caught their interest. The portal, perhaps it gained its power back? What if someone walked through it? They quickly grabbed a sword and ran towards the entrance to the portal. The ground and cave itself had moss along the crevasses. They eventually were face-to-face with the portal once more. It hadn't looked any different than before. The power generator-that the portal powered-was blinking once more. For the first time, Willø felt as though this realm, this world, was about to face the worst thing to come, humanity.

Days passed, nothing new happened. Day by day, the portal grew stronger and stronger. Soon enough you could see the other world through it. Only some parts were visible. Some trees, cobblestone paths, a flag. The flag was Red, Orange, and yellow, they were all horizontal stripes. There was a black triangle on one side. There were also parts of a cave, it looked like someone lived there. What a strange world to encounter.

2 days later, the world felt more stable. The portal was still powered, but definitely wasn't as strong as the earthquake. Things died down and for once, Willø had time to themself. They grabbed a mug of cawffee and stayed at their desk. They looked outside the nearby window and watched some of the snow fall. A knock was on the door. Willø almost didn't recognize the sound. No one ever visited, nor even existed. Willø just ignored the sound for now, till it knocked again. They eventually gave in and went downstairs to the door. They opened it slowly, just to prepare for what's on the other side.

A kid. Barely over 18. They had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes. They wore a dusty green sweatshirt. They were about half the height of Willø. Regardless, Willø could probably fight them.

"Hello there! I think I'm lost? I arrived here a week ago and I found this place." They said.

Stories of the SMPTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon