My Support System

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Sorry this is short. I just wanted to do a quick Head cannon. As I'm writing this I'm about half way through part 2 of clean that up rn part 2. Your welcome in advance 😉

Marilyn x reader HC

You didn't have many people that you could count on. Marilyn was one of the few but she was all you needed. No matter what day it was or what situation was happening she would always be there for you.

You had struggled with nightmares for years and she would always let you sleep with her if you needed. She would quietly whisper in your ear as she stroked your head. She was so perfect.

Whenever you would have panic attacks she would be there and show you a great deal of love. If needed she would give you a tight hug or grab an ice pack to help ground you. She never asked for explanations in the moment. She was just there for you.

She would always be more than willing to talk about something even if it was days or even years later. This woman was so incredibly perfect. You were so in love with her.

Marilyn Thornhill Fake Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now