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eclipse II

Anila was sitting in her bed reading a new book since she finished her other one

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Anila was sitting in her bed reading a new book since she finished her other one. She was now reading 'speak'

Anila couldn't focus on her book. She was focused on Spider who was sitting on Anila's desk chair.

She thought about what happened last night when they were sleeping. She felt embarrassed again.

Anila woke up and she was holding Spider. She pulled her arms from him and he opened his eyes slowly.

"Sorry." Anila put one of her hands under her head and Spider moved closer. He laid his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes.

She stiffened and felt her cheeks heaten. She studied his features. She never noticed how his lips looked so soft or how his nose looked so cute.

He looks pretty, she thought.

He pulled the blanket up more and lazily slung his arm around her neck and shoulder. She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

Anila's thoughts were interrupted by Spider asking if she was ready.

"Anila if your ready do you wanna go now?" Spider stared at her and Anila felt nervous. "Yeah I'm ready. How long are we staying?"

Spider noticed Anila didn't make eye contact this time while she spoke to him. "As long as you want."

Anila smiled and looked at Spider. She stood up and put her book down. "Let's go." She grabbed her and Spider's breathing mask.

Spider put his on and helped Anila with hers. They walked outside and towards the trail that led to the cliff where they could see the eclipse clearly without trees being in the way.

They were almost to their destination. The cliff wasnt that far from the lab. Spider loved the cliff, even when he was little. He used to sneak out to come here.

Once they got there Anila sat down at the edge. Spider did the same. He admired Anila while Anila admired the sky.

"I uh actually wanted to talk to you about something." Spider looked up at the sky so he could avoid Anila's stare.

"What is it?" Anila looked at Spider. "Um shit." He muttered under his breath as he thought about how to put his words.

"Your beautiful, um I like you Anila. I have since we were like 8." He waited for her response but it never came.

She stared at the sun that was slowly disappearing. Spider mentally punched himself.

He wondered why he ever said anything. He wished he didn't until Anila spoke up.

"I like you too Spider. I think. I'm sorry I know that sounds stupid and hurtful but I don't know if I do or not."

Spider blinked and looked down at his hands. "It's okay if you don't-" Spider got cut off when he heard the click off her mask being taken off.

He looked up and watched as she held her breath. "Anila what are you doing?" He grabbed her mask and tried to put it back on put she grabbed his hands and slowly took off his mask.

He trusted her but he didn't know what she was doing at all.

Anila got close to his face and grabbd the back of his neck. Their bottom lips grazed eachothers. Spider closed the space between them.

He couldnt believe it at first. He was kissing his childhood to now crush.

Anila pulled away and put her mask on. Spider grabbed his and clicked his on.

"That was worth the risk." Spider smiled at Anila. She laughed and grabbed his hand. She leaned her head on his shoulder and watched the sun.

"Does this mean your my girlfriend?" Spider looked at Anila. She took her head off his shoulder. "Yes Miles."

Spider sucked in his breath. Nobody ever called him Miles. He didn't like it but when she said it his heart filled with euphoria.

They sat on the cliff watching the eclipse. Anila was growing tired and she wanted to go back.

"Do you wanna go back now?" She looked up at him. "Yeah let's go." He stood up and held out his hand for her. She took it and stood up.

They walked back to the lab hand in hand, with love that they never knew would come out to eachother.

They were glad it did.

K speaks!

I still need to do todays chapter and here is the day before yesterdays chapter. I still have to do yesterdays and todays since I fell behind.

Now that they have confessed its gonna be easier to write.

thank you for reading this far, and for all the votes!!

not proof read sorry!

written by the stars •Spider SocorroМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя