Not as it seems.

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      A dark green dragonet fumbled around around in the darkness, tripping over vines, blue eyes stained with desperate tears.

"Mom? Where are you? Mom?"

"STAY BACK! You might get bitten too!" Another voice shouted back, that of the dragonets mother.

The dragonet had heard the infuriated roars of her mother late in the night, coming from the denser forest parts, so naturally she had to investigate.

The dragonet eventually burst into a clearing, the moonlight illuminating the scales of another dragon. Their scales were oddly shiny, the little dragon thought to herself.

"Don't worry mom! I'm here!" The dragonet squeaked, and then they started to walk closer to their mother. That was something they would regret doing.

There, the three moons casting their glare upon bloodied scales, lay her mother, tangled with a giant yellow snake. The snake wrapped around the dragons neck, fangs sunk into the soft spot underneath the ears.

It looked up, it's black eyes glinting in the bright moonlight, poison and blood still dripping from it's fangs.

The dragonet was too stunned to speak, and just stood there mouth agape.

"You... Killed her? But... she's... My mom." Her voice quivered.

"Boa. The snake was forced to bite me. Leave it be. I need to tell you something."

Boa crept closer to her dying mother, as the snake slipped away into the underbrush, it's forked tongue still flicking through oval shaped leaves at times, an indicator that it was not leaving yet.

Boa thought to herself, Mom always liked nature, but I didn't know she would spare something so vicious...

"Your father... Did this to me. He found that stupid dragonbite viper... And he managed to get it to bite me."

"But, dad would never do this!" Boa exclaimed, tears starting to softly roll down her cheeks.

"Not that dad, honey. Your... Actual father." The dragon said, face darkening. "I- I am so sorry to be leaving you like this, my daughter."

"Don't go... Please," Boa managed to wheeze between tears, starting to curl up under her mother's wing.

"I don't want to, Boa. But when death calls, I suppose you are forced to answer." The mother softly rasped, words even more hushed than before.

Silence then filled the night, the only sounds the creatures of the dark forest, and the hissing of the viper, still stalking them in the underbrush.

Boa illuminated her scales so she could see her mother properly for the last time.

Black venom was creeping into the veins of her mother's eyes, and it was even staining the flow of tears down her jaw, making an eerie black tracing down her cheeks.

At this sight, Boa almost recoiled in shock, but then huddled closer to her mother.

Hours. Minutes flowing by effortlessly, like salmon swimming downstream. The moons eventually reached their zenith, two crescents and a full moon helping light the gloomy night.

A cold body, no longer moving.

A yellow head peeked out of the underbrush, and soon the viper slithered out, tentatively flicking it's tongue at the little dragonet, as if apologizing.

When the morning sun rose, a horrifying yet peaceful sight lay in the clearing. A little dragonet rested, quivering under her mother's wing, slowly poking her snout out to meet that of the snake.

Surprisingly, the snake didn't bite her, and only coiled around her neck in a loose, yellow loop, tail lazily twining around one of her small horns.

This little soul gave Boa the strength she needed to rise to her feet, and do what she had to do. Her mother had said that it didn't mean to kill her, and Boa wanted to respect her mother by letting the poor thing live.

Upon closer inspection of the snake, she saw that it's fangs were chipped, from being forced through scales.

So that bastard of a "dad" really used this snake to kill mom?

Coming to this revelation, she began to feel a bit queasy, but she still had an unfinished task to complete.

Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.

Dirt flew everywhere from Boa's talons, as she began to dig a deep pit in the loamy earth, carefully clearing roots away.

She had a bit of leafspeak, and it was a nuisance everytime she stepped on a small vine. The plant would complain for such a long time, she sometimes wished she could breathe fire to shut it up.

Heyo, Red here. I am tired as heck, so I am going to continue this tomorrow. Also, since this is a story containing only OC's, feel free to DM me about your OC, and you might see them here in the future.

Also, midterms are over, so I can write much more know.

If my writing seems a little monotone, that is how I write. I am trying to improve.

The name of Boa's mother along with the name of her 2 fathers will be revealed next chapter. (Btw Amberleaf is still good boi)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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