part 3

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12:39 pm
Thursday afternoon


"You seriously didn't even ask him?" Hyunjin asked Han, who was sitting on the other side of the table, opposite him.

"No, why would I ask him to join our group chat, he'd obviously say no," he replied, scrolling through Instagram on his phone in his right hand and resting his head on his left.

"Ugh!!!" Hyunjin whined, stretching his arms out as far out in front of him as he could then laying his head down between them, knocking over Han's phone as he did so.

"Oi, watch yourself or I won't ask him at all."

"Fine, sorry."

Just as Han picked his phone back up into his hands, 3 other boys came and sat next to them.
It was Chan, Jeongin and Lee know.

"Hi, guys!" Jeongin waved, enthusiastically.

"It's far too early for you to be that enthusiastic about anything," Lee know stated, sitting down between Han and Chan.

"It's half 12?" Han asked, confused about how it was 'too early'.

"Your point?" Was all he got as a reply.

"Whatever, I heard there's was a new student here today," Chan said, trying his hardest to change the subject.

"Really? Today — why on a Thursday?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't they just wait till Monday? I would've," Lee know added to Hyunjin's question.

"I don't know, don't ask me," Chan replied before he started eating his lunch.

"Hmm, okay. What do you guys have after lunch?" Jeongin asked, changing the subject, again.

"We've had the same classes for months now how have you forgotten?" Han asked.

"If I don't care then I won't remember, obviously," he replied, shrugging his shoulders and rolling his eyes slightly.

"Fair enough," said Hyunjin who has his head resting on the table.

"Chan, do you know what the kid looks like?" Han asked, his eyes still glued to his phone.

"I don't know what they look like but I know it's a guy," Chan replied.

"Hmm, I'm sure at least one of us will have a class with him," Jeongin stated, "also, where's Changbin?"

"He's still working on some song I think," said Han.

"Oh, okay."

"Our next class is going to start soon so we better get going, Han," Hyunjin said, standing up and waiting for Han to get up before walking off to their next class.

"Yeah I better go as well, if I'm late one more time I think I'll get kicked out," said Jeongin, getting up and walking off, waving goodbye to the older two that are still sitting at the lunch table.

"I guess that leaves us, I've got a free period so do you wanna do something?" Asked Chan.

"No, I'm gonna just go to sleep. Can you wake me up when we have to go?" Lee know answered, crossing his arms and falling asleep with his head resting on top of them.

"Oh—okay..." He replied before leaning back onto his chair and going on his phone.


"Thank god we aren't late," Hyunjin said, sitting in his seat at the back of the class in the corner, Han sitting next to him.

"I know, I don't know if I could get away with being late one more time."

"Same, at least those guys didn't take our seats again," Hyunjin said, looking at two boys sitting a couple of rows in front of them, who certainly could not care less about Hyunjin and Han.

Before Han could say anything about the boys or the way Hyunjin was looking at them, the teacher walked in, a boy stood by her side.

"Alright everyone, settle down, please. We have a new student today and I'm sure you all know who he is so please do treat him with respect," she said, moving slightly so the class could all see who it was. When they did the room was filled with him gasps and whispering, which made the boy nervous and embarrassed at the same time.

"Hello, my name's Felix or Yongbok if you'd prefer," the boy said, lowering his head slightly and bowing to his classmates, "it's wonderful to meet you all and I hope we all get along very well!"

"Oh, my, god." Was all that Han could verbally spit out as he was in so much shock. Seeing the guy you're entire friend group talks about almost every day in your classroom was most definitely not a normal thing.

"Okay Yongbok, you can sit next to Nayeon over there. Nayeon, raise your hand please." The teacher asked, as she did a girl at the back raised her hand, smiling at the boy who walked up to the seat next to her and bowing as he placed his bag down.


This chapter isn't as long as I'd hoped it was going to be but the next one will be (trust😭)
and I added Nayeon in because she's literally my fav and her and Felix's friendship is the cutest. Also, I know nayeon is older and should probably be in 3rd year but let's pretend she is in the same year as Felix, for the sake of this story lol.
Also, I don't ship them btw so dw lol.


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